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Four males enter the place where full of lights outside but full of dancing colorful lights inside along with loud ear breaking music and a view of random dancing,walking,talking,making out and drinking crowd which makes the place more alive

Kyungsoo lead the way to the near corner where a circle of sofa was located along with the round table at the center

The couple takes the space from the left and leave the right for Kyungsoo and Baekhyun whose eyes were on the crowd and have no intention to take their seats

Leaving the couple on the table. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo join the noisy crowd wearing a excited smile on their face. Walking side to side they grab random drinks from a passing waiter who did not noticed the move they did

They finish their drinks before their feet could even step on the dance floor. Along with the beat of the mush up music Baekhyun was the first to randomly make a dance step that suit to the beat followed by the squishy guy who make a step close step dance move first before finally giving up his body to the music

"You dance like a guy from eighty's" Baekhyun laugh talking about Kyungsoo's dance moves

"Shut up" the small guy retaliate and still continue to be drown with music

"Lets do this later. Come on" Baekhyun pulls Kyungsoo off the crowd and bring them to the bar stool where there is less people

They take the two vacant stool amd wait for the bartender to approach them

"Two zombie please" Kyungsoo ordered


"Its just a light drink Baekhyun"

Not four minutes or more the so called zombie drink arrives. Amd Baekhyun observed the tall glass of alcoholic drink Kyungsoo offered him. Its like a drink when you go beaching in Hawaii, the fruit that serves as a flavoring can be seen but still the alcohol lingers in Baekhyun's nose

"Old fashioned please. Two. And oh just few drops of water" Baekhyun turn to Kyungsoo with a 'what the hell' look in his face seeing the glass in front of the doe eyed was already empty compared to his untouched drink


While on the other part of the world. Chanyeol was frowning mess as he wait for his phone to beep.

Frustrated that he cant still call Baekhyun for he was still in the plane where making phone calls and text is forbidden and all he can do is turn on the wifi and email his husband, which drives him crazy because its almost been hour since his first message to Baekhyun and up till now not a single dot was returned to him though he was sure that wifi in Korea was faster than lightning

To: Park Baekhyun
I swear to god Baekhyun if you dont reply after another hour you'll be dead meat when I get back there if your excuse was not acceptable.

He send another email before throwing his phone back to his side and lean his head back and close his eyes just making him more paranoid over what his husband might be doing this time


"How many monkeys fall from the bed?" A drunk Baekhyun ask to Kyungsoo who was half sleeping and was also drown with different liquors they take

"I...ten!! Yeah ten monkeys fell from the bed!"

"Deng!" Baekhyun loudly announced raising his index finger

Kyungsoo lift his upper body pressing against the counter and anticipate on the reason why his answer was  wrong for he know that he was right

"Youre wrong Kyungsoo" Baekhyun laugh first patting his friend's shoulder "Youre an idiot. No monkeys fell from the bed because monkeys dont sleep on bed" He start to laugh at his own joke while the drunk Kyungsoo still process Baekhyun's joke in his mind and take a few seconds before finally finding his laughter that synchronized with Baekhyun's loud laugh

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