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Because I cant sleep and my classes will start at twelve noon tomorrow so I thought of giving you guys an update ~ 😊
The day of Chanyeol's departure has finally come. And three hours before he finally left their house, his husband was hugging him like a koala and keeps pouting and throwing him a puppy eyes

"You know there will be no turning back honey, so stop that you look like a llama rather than a puppy"

Baekhyun's mouth twitch and pull apart from the hug to turn his back but Chanyeol was quick to move his long arms. He pull the midget back and instead of just hugging it back, he move him feet towards the bed and slammed both of their body onto the mattress with Baekhyun positioned on top of him

"I was just kidding"

"I dont care" Baekhyun nonchalantly reply wearing a poker face

"Come on, Im sorry" he pauses and draw an infamous smirk on his face which the midget didnt noticed

"How about a goodbye sex?" The taller suggest switching their position and now Baekhyun was between him and the mattress looking up to him slightly surprise with the sudden flipping

"Im not in the mood for that Chanyeol" he denied but the truth is he want to be fuck and rimmed by the taller before it left for one week. Because one week means no Chanyeol, and no Chanyeol means no making love

"But your buddy here says otherwise" Chanyeol begin to grind their clothed dicks and leans down towards his neck ghosting its lips to the curve making the hair of his body to lift up straight and his eyes automatically close without him knowing to feel the pleasure that their colliding shafts are creating

"My princess want this dont he?" Chanyeol whisper in Baekhyun's ear before licking the shell down to its neck not missing a chance to leave visible marks everywhere his lips landed

Baekhyun hung his lips open and shamelessly spread his legs to give good access to Chanyeol's movement and his dainty hands crawl up inside Chanyeol's shirt caressing its smooth skin dearly

"D-dont call me pr-princ--ahhh cess...No princess ha-have uhh yes ~ have dick" Baekhyun said between his moans and turn his head to face the taller and quickly snatch its lips sliding his tongue in Chanyeol's warm cavern to lift its resting tongue inviting it for a steamy battle which the taller gladly accommodate. Sucking the midget's tongue and lips, Chanyeol meet every movement of Baekhyun's lips making their lips seems to be a smooth waves of the ocean

Chanyeol was the first one to pull apart gasping for some air but keep his forehead connected to the midget's

"Its getting hot in here. Shall we take these off?" Playing innocent. Chanyeol held the hem of Baekhyun's jersey short and swiftly push it down together with the underwear making Baekhyun's shaft to sprang up like a post

When Chanyeol circles his long fingers on the throbbing cock. Baekhyun sit up and push his husband's forehead when it he saw its mouth form into circle ready to suck him up

"Why?" A furious question of the taller and tightens his grip on the midgets cock making its gasp

"Stand up and strip" A simple yet full of demand words of the midget

Not saying another word. Chanyeol get up from his knees and began to take his clothes starting from his shirt down to his pants which he take off together with his underwear

Baekhyun stares for a while before tapping the space on the bed "Lie down here. Stop frowning, you'll surely love it"

When Chanyeol was on the position just what he wanted, Baekhyun straddle Chanyeol's chest facing his bubble butt against its face and slowly leans down to meet Chanyeol's big leaking and throbbing cock

"You sure know what turns me on" Chanyeol said as he reach for the butt cheeks spreading it apart to reveal the pinkish puckered hole which seems to be twitching to say 'come and rim me' towards the taller

"Uhhh ~ fucking hell Baekhyun" Chanyeol moans when Baekhyun start to suck the head of his cock darting its sinful tongue to slit while bobbing its small hands to rest of the length

Wasting no time. Chanyeol flattened his tongue to rub it against the waiting hole gaining muffled moans from his husband and creates vibrations to run to his length summing up to  the please

Baekhyun continue to suck the shaft, licking and slurping every part of it like it will be gone for a long time. And even give swallowing a try, taking Chanyeol's full length in his mouth until the head touches his throat and his choking serves as his ceremony for making the whole monster dick of his husband fit in his mouth

While on the other end, after wetting the hole using his tongue. Chanyeol wiggle his tongue against the hole trying to insert it which he successfully did making his whole face seems to be planted in between Baekhyun's jiggly butt

He pull his tongue out and reinsert it again, until he hears Baekhyun moans saying "More babe...please I need more" while pushing his butt back. And so Chanyeol shove two fingers in his mouth coating it with his saliva before inserting the first finger in receiving delicious 'ahh' and 'mmppf' from the midget

And when the whole was ready for another, he insert the next digit and start to scissor the hole apart while thrusting in with a fast pace. The taller feel his own cock twitch seeing his husband's asshole spreading right in front of his face

"S-stop...I want you now" Baekhyun reach back reaching Chanyeol's hand and pull its fingers out from him

He get off the taller's chest to grab a lube from the side table quickly popping the bottle open to pour the liquid carelessly on his palm and spread it first on Chanyeol's standing dick and to his entrance

Crawling back on top of Chanyeol. Baekhyun was now straddling the waist of the taller while holding the lubricated shaft positioning it against his hole before slowly pushing down with a slick move making the big cock to easily went in the hole

Baekhyun sits on Chanyeol's dick for a while to feel its throbbing inside him which Chanyeol fail to like because Baekhyun was also squishing his dick

"Stop it or else I'll shoot cum in you just like this" Chanyeol warn and decided to just pull Baekhyun by his waist making the misget pressed his chest against the taller

Grabbing on the butt to spread it apart. Chanyeol began to thrust hard and fast which surprise the midget who cant help but to grab on Chanyeol's shoulders digging his nails to its skin while he let out a shameless but seducing moans which echoes around the four corners of their room along with the loud slapping of their skin

After a few quick and hard thrust, Chanyeol again switch their position not pulling his penis out. Hovering the midget he bend its knees and push it closer to its chest before starting to mobe again now in a steady pace to watch his dick disappear with every thrust he was making

He spread Baekhyun's legs again so that he could leans forward to meet its face and to connect their lips. His thrusting began to be slow down but a bit hard and directly hit Baekhyun's precious prostate almost making the midget yells out his whole name but Baekhyun's mouth seems malfunctioning because the only word that comes out from his mouth was 'Ahh fuck' until both of them reach their high with Baekhyun jerking his self and shoot his load on his hand and in between him and Chanyeol while Chanyeol release all his cum in Baekhyun's hole

After coming down from their high and gain their breath back. Chanyeol pull his length out and watch his own cum drip off his husband's entrance before lying down beside him scooping its small frame to be wrapped inside his arms

Though he's tired from the activity. Baekhyun manage to look up wearing a bright smile which cause the taller to smile in an instant and place a kiss on Baekhyun's temple

"Promise me you will only do these with me" Baekhyun said meeting Chanyeol's eyes again

"Of course. I promise, and I will never trade diamond for rocks. Always remember that"

"You sure getting corny every time"

"But you love it"

"Shut up and clean the both of us. You only have two hours left"

Please leave a comment guys ~ 😊 goodnight/morning!!

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