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Giving Baekhyun a smirk and 'good job' look, Jongin stand up and follow his grumpy little boyfriend and leaving the awed Jongdae, the still glaring giant and a midget who nonchalantly continue eating

Arriving at the pool area, Jongin keep distance to Kyungsoo who was standing two feet away from the side pool, facing his back from Jongin and having his arms crossed

He walk closer to the small male and keep a feet away between them before Kyungsoo finally turn to face him

He was surprise when he saw Kyungsoo's teary yet angry eyes, that is screaming jealousy

His heart tightens as he see a crystal clear tear fell from his boyfriend's large eyes, he quickly step forward to cup the latter's squishy cheeks

"I'm hurt!" Kyungsoo mumbles as he look straight on Jongin's concern eyes "I'm jealous Jongin!" He added together with those tempting tears from his eyes

Jongin just stares softly in his eyes forgetting how this little boyfriend of him giggles with the tall guy in his front a while ago, he wipes every dropping tears from the doe eyes before kissing it's wet eyes and saying "I'm sorry, I'm jealous too" he pouts sending sad expression to Kyungsoo

The small guy frowns in annoyance yet he hugs the tanned male on it's waist and pull him closer leaving no space between them "I knew you were, but I told you I'm a fan of Mr Park, so I just got too excited babe" he explains before nuzzling his nose against Jongin

"Yeah right, but aren't you too flirty with him? That you totally forgot about me" Jongin protested clicking his tongue and looking away from their loving stares

Adoring how cute Jongin when he's jealous, with his pouty lips and almost mumbles words, Kyungsoo can't help but to chuckle before raining kisses all over his boyfriend's face

"Am I forgiven now?" The doe eyed ask after the sweet pecks he does

Jongin who was not satisfied didn't look at him still and stays pouting like a kid "no, pecks isn't way of saying sorry to your bo-- mmf" and before he could blab another jealous statement Kyungsoo tip toes pressing their thick lips together

He smiles in the kiss when he felt Jongin stiffened for the first time by just a simple kiss, but soon grab him on his hips and closes it's eyes before moving it's lips to turn the simple kiss into sloppy one

Feeling tired of the tip toe, Kyungsoo flattened his feet on the ground as he embraces Jongin on the neck to pull him down to not break their heated kiss

After a minutes of sucking, nibbling and tongue fighting kiss both parted panting and eyes still close trying to catch their lost breaths while foreheads still pressed together

"So am I forgiven now?" Kyungsoo again ask after breathing evenly again and stares straight on Jongin's deep small eyes

"Say you only love me first" the tanned male demanded with a bit of which tone

"Even though I already said it a million times, I love you and only you babe" He cooed satisfying the tanned male who soon hugs him and like he always do Jongin plant his lips on Kyungsoo's narrow shoulder mumbling "I love you too, please don't make me jealous again"

"Don't make me jealous again too, especially to Baekhyun who is your ex crush, or else see that pool? I'll let you drink all the water there in just one minute"


While inside the house, Jongdae who felt a little out of place because of the quarrels between the two lovers, he quickly stuff all the food in his plate inside his mouth before drinking the glass of water

"Baekhyun I should go, I remember mom told me to go home before seven so bye!" He quickly stand and flash out of the dining area before Baekhyun could open his mouth to stop him

The midget who fails to stop his friend just slump back to his seat and not knowing what to do with an awkward atmosphere in front of his fiancé who is currently staring coldly at him

Being so uncomfortable with the situation, Baekhyun rise up from his seat and head to the exit of the dining area, not knowing that the giant stands too and follow his steps and grabs his wrist making him stop and forcely face the giant

Baekhyun was surprise in a sudden force he felt on his wrist, his eyes widens as he gasp when he face the tall male

"W-what do you want?" He ask as he try to pull back his wrist but Chanyeol holds him enough to not let him go

"I...uhm..Baek, I'm sorry" a words that swiftly roll out from the giant's mouth makes Baekhyun pause from pulling back and look up to his eyes

He met the soft and apologizing eyes of the giant "I didn't mean what I said, a-and I uh, I honestly j-just you know, felt weird seeing Sehun on...o-on your drawing, instead of me" Chanyeol bashfully state avoiding Baekhyun's gaze

Seeing how Chanyeol blush for the first time, Baekhyun can't help but to smile in adoration to the tall guy

"Just admit that you're jealous" Baekhyun cooes catching the giant's gaze that was still avoiding his "come on, you're jealous of your cousin right?" He teases and now reach for the taller's chin to make him met his eyes

"I'm not jealous!" Chanyeol defended giving Baekhyun a straight face, which does not work to make Baekhyun believe in his statement

The midget just nod and shrugged saying "Okay, if you say so. Let go of my hand now because I that cousin of yours? He went to my school this morning and get my number, and guess what? I'm calling him tonight" he says and pull his hand back ready to walk off

"He what!?" Chanyeol exclaimes and quickly block the midget on his track, Baekhyun just shrug his shoulders and say "I think he's more interesting than you Mr Park"

Feeling his blood slowly boils by hearing those words from the midget, Chanyeol grab Baekhyun on the shoulders and pull Baekhyun towards him to crashed their lips together, making Baekhyun's eyes wide in surprise

The kiss was just still but their lips was moistly pressed and Baekhyun's upper lip was between Chanyeol's lips making the taller's lower lip unintentionally be between Baekhyun's lips

After thirty seconds of staying like that Chanyeol slowly pulls away keeping inches apart between them and keeping his eyes lock with the still surprise midget

"He may be more interesting, but I'm your fiancé now Baekhyun" Chanyeol mumbles breath ghosting on the midget's lips

Baekhyun smirk by the taller's possessive word, but he find it really sweet

"Fiancé? Didn't you say it's just a condition, and we don't feel anything towards each other, so I can cling with anyone I like" he states, when honestly he don't want to do that because he felt attached to the giant with the short span of being with him

Chanyeol furrows his brows and clench his teeth "no! I mean yes, that's just a condition, but didn't you say too that we have to give our relationship a try?" Chanyeol argued, sounding like a jealous husband to his wife

Trying not laugh with Chanyeol's frustrated face, Baekhyun bit his lower lip and pull Chanyeol to a hug

"Just admit that you're starting to like me" A soft yet sure words from Baekhyun's mouth

"If I admit it, will you feel the same way too?"

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