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I want to stop writing stories, but I find my desire to write again, thanks to my frienies ~ ❤ honestly I have two stories in my drafts.


Nothing's more mood wrecker than waking up with no one sleeping beside you after the last night fuck, Chanyeol felt like Baekhyun used him for one night stand

Not wanting to be over dramatic towards what his Picasso fiancé did, he get up and swing his legs on the edge of the bed, he rubbed his eyes and suddenly few scenes from last night flash in his mind making the giant smile in an instant

But as long as he want to reminisce every detail they did last night, he can't becauae he need to prepare for work, so he gather all their clothes from the floor and head towards the bathroom, but before he could open the wooden barrier, a white paper note that was messily taped on the door stop him, he unpaste it and read the note that was obviously written in rush

"I put it in this door because I know you're idiot enough to noticed it on the side table but, anyway I already left because I need to see Jongin, so see you later because I need to punch you for making my anus painful dickhead!

Ps. 'I THINK' i love you "

He chuckle in the middle of reading imagining how Baekhyun limps his way to the bus stop, then he frowns after reading the postscript

"So he's still not sure eh?" He rhetorically say before folding the note in four and finally stepping in the bathroom "let's see how many times you will say 'I think' after I make love to you again" persistently motivating his self as he let the water run to his naked glory


"I didn't wake up early, leaving our house while my back still aches just to find you two having your make up sex" leaning against the door frame after blunty barging in Jongin's room, Baekhyun who was like watching a live porn narrowed his eyebrows and slant his lips while still lazily staring at the two naked couple who was obviously interrupted from their high, Kyungsoo was all fours while Jongin was behind him dick buried deep inside his boyfriend

Jongin opens his mouth to talk but Baekhyun raised his hand gesturing him to shut up "Continue what you're doing, Kyungsoo's dick was throbbing so hard, I don't want to pain you both, so bye bye ~" He waves and reach the door knob to close the door again but stop to peek his head in only to see Jongin starting to thrust in again

"And oh" the couple frustatedly groans being interrupted again "Learn how to lock doors, Mrs. Kim didn't spent money for your pricey door just for you not to use it properly, so here" he click the lock before finally leaving the house

He fish his cellphone from his pocket and decided to just text the two horny friends of him

"Better tell me everything after that before I go spreading how small Kyungsoo's dick is, same as how Jongin who love dog style position"

He sent to Kyungsoo and Jongin before dialling his fiancé's number who immediately answer after two rings

"Chanyeol where are you?"

"On my way to office why? Do you miss me already?"

"Hey day dreamer ~" he sings rolling his eyes "fetch me at Han Ville's gate I wanna come to your office"

"Why? I thought you're meeting your friend? And just to remind you honey you have classes at 8"

"There's nothing important to do in school today, and Jongin don't need me anymore, besides I miss my mom and dad I want to visit them"

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