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For a second Baekhyun stare at his husband and didnt do what he was told. Instead, he drew an infamous smirk that makes Chanyeol cringe for he never saw Baekhyun smirk for a long time

"Just wait here" Baekhyun said and push his self off the chair and walk towards the wardrobe

Chanyeol watch nothing but a dark room in front of him with the sound of raffling of  clothes

"Babe are you ready!!?" The taller hears Baekhyun yell from the background

"What the fuck are you doing Baekhyun! Where are you?"

"Close your eyes first!!"

Groaning, the taller tap his table

"Why would I!"

"Because I have a surprise. Come on close your eyes or I wont show myself"

Displeased on what his husband is doing. Chanyeol just close his eyes though he's half excited half annoyed on Baekhyun's childish action

"My eyes are close now"

With a bit of shame and nervousness. Baekhyun make way back in front of the laptop, but he didnt sit instead he stay standing showing only half of his torso down to his mid thigh

"You can look now"

With that Chanyeol slowly open his eyes which he soon regretted. He blink few times trying to make sure his eyes was looking at the right person

"Who are you?" Was the first words he could say

"Who else you idiot!"

"What the hell Baekhyun!! Why are you wearing lingerie!!" The taller cries

Baekhyun cackles and spin around showing that he's not wearing anything underneath making the taller gulp in surprise

"Why! Jongdae gave it to me remember? Itll be  rude if I will not use it" the midget excused while bouncing to purposely make his round butt wiggle

Chanyeol was left staring at what Baekhyun is doing. His eyes keep roaming from his husband's butt up to the curvy hips wrapped beneath the pink silky lingerie

"This is what you want right? Me giving you a webcam show"

The midget lift the hem of the dress showing his naked butt which looks like a feast for the taller's eyes

With a growing hard on. Chanyeol reach down to his pants to palm his tent. While the midget reach for his butt cheeks to spread it apart showing off his puckered hole that is twitching to earn some attention

"Fuck babe I wish youre here to rim me" he said with a seductive voice while rubbing his finger against his hole

On the other line. Chanyeol cant keep the boner anymore, so he unzip his pants and let his shaft free. He pump his self while watching his vixen continue rubbing his hole

"Get a lube babe that will hurt you" Chanyeol remind when he saw the dainty finger was dipping in the hole

Baekhyun went gone for a second after he said about the lube and then came back with its fingers already slinky and ready to be buried in the puckered entrance

The midget stares at his husband's leaking ans throbbing dick for a while, just making him more horny and needy for something inside him

He turn around and settle his self on the chair again with butt showing off on the webcam. Reaching back to his butt, he look over his shoulder and watch his giant jerk his self while he start to rub his fingers again against his asshole

"Ah-hhah~ yes baby" the taller moans as he watch two fingers dip in his husband's hole. Imagining its Baekhyun's butt that was pumping him

Breathing heavily as his own fingers fuck him. Baekhyun's eyes get droopy and all that he wants right now was Chanyeol in him because his fingers cant give him enough pleasure for it cannot find his prostate

"Ch-Chanyeol nngh fu-fuck me...oh god yes Chanyeol" the midgeg start moaning when his fingers slightly brush his spot

While his one hand was thrusting fast in him. The other reach for his unnoticed shaft and start to pump it

With a loud breathing and eyes tightly close while his head leans back. Chanyeol pump his self harder and faster imagining his little husband was now riding him and its ass was squeezing his member

Both lines starts to share moans and curse as they both imagining that they're  actually together thag time.

Baekhyun even end up with four fingers in him to be satisfied that it was really his husband's dick that was in him. But Chanyeol was the one who explode first with the animalistic amount of pace he did spurting his load in his own hand and chest and followed by the midget who released in the chair, tainting the leather cloth with thick loads

When both came down from the high of ecstasy. None of them speak for a while. They just admire each other's sex-wreck feature until Chanyeol finally made a suggestion

"You should crossed dress more often. Especially when I get back there"

"No to the way Mr Park. Im throwing this stuff away after this" Baekhyun take off the silky clothes leaving him fully naked

"Why! Then I'll buy you lots of that again"

"Chanyeol" with straight face Baekhyun leans nearer the webcam after being answered by a hum

"Youre like telling me now that you want me to be a girl not the Baekhyun I am"

Thinking  things will be end up to an argument again. The taller sigh and decided to turn the topic to the other thing

"Anyways. Our second meeting will be at eight in the morning tomorrow and you have school tomorrow so I w--"

"--you always ruin everything" the midget huff amd draw a lines on his forehead

"Look baby. We just had sexual thing and noe youre trying to throw a fight. And Im trying to switch to avoid the argument. What did I ruin?"

"You want a girl instead of m--"

"--Fuck no! Youre being paranoid again. Stop that. Clear your mind its never gonna happen! Im fucking in love with who you are"

Instead of backfiring. The midget spin the chair to hide his burning cheeks while silently squeal as he pinch his own cheeks amd stomp his feet like a crazy fangirl

"Baekhyun face me" he hears Chanyeol softly ask and so he did but mask his feels with a straight face

"Im sorry okay. If the idea of cross dressing build insecurities in you. Fuck those things okay. Is that better?"

He nods and made an eye contact to the taller

"I miss you" the midget smile and touches Chanyeol's face on the screen

"I know. I miss you too. But seriously babe we need to sleep"


Half an hour after talking to Chanyeol. Baekhyun freshly get off the shower and lied on the huge mattress alone

He closes his eyes and let the sleepiness eats him. But unfortunately his cellular device that is place under his pillow vibrate and wake his hald asleep soul

Groaning. He reach for the device and read the message from Kyungsoo

"The papers are ready poop. All you need to do is sign it and everything will be as swift as the slime"

Shotgun Marriage [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now