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Just like Chanyeol had plan with their morning. Having Baekhyun all fours against the mattress while Chanyeol was behind thrusting like a racer and soon leans forward to reach Baekhyun's hard shaft beneath and pump it with a steady speed making them both come with short but great pleasure.

An hour and five minutes after showering for the second time. Chanyeol finally bring Baekhyun to his so called surprise which doesn't surprise midget at all

"You should be surprise. At least" Chanyeol protested to his husband who already dip in the ocean's water heading to venture the water obstacle course that includes different activities

"I have seen these lots of time babe. But at least Im happy though its not a surprise for me" Baekhyun chuckles already aiming to straddle the banana boat

Displeased. Chanyeol with his heavy steps walks towards the midget who was already seated on his chosen activity which he had done with Jongdae before

"I bet you haven't experience these because your an old business man who know nothing but work and thats why you thought itll surprise me"

"Shut up. Im not old, Im just an early successor and Im just really not into these things!" Chanyeol retorted as he easily swing his long leg to the other side of the boat positioning his self at the back of Baekhyun

Baekhyun look over his shoulder "What things are you into? Meeting? Partnership? Or Sales talking?" He teases sending look to the giant who just smirk slanting his lips

"Things like me fucking you after fingering you with three fingers" Chanyeol shoot back making the midget's lips to zip and cheeks to heat

When Baekhyun was about to open his mouth to return the words the jetski started making him to grip on the leather handle to fight the dragging of the wind to push them back ward. Instead of words all that came out from Baekhyun's mouth was 'woohoo' and 'aaaah' shouting his excitement out

Meanwhile. Chanyeol who haven't experience this kind of activity before was also shouting not of excitement  but because of nervousness cause by the speed of the boat plus the lack of safetyness that any wrong move is they will feel to the water and whats worst is Chanyeol is afraid of deep water not because he cant swim but he have phobia to sharks and crocodile cause by the movie he had seen before plus the piranhas that he believed that really exist to eat humans

"Baekhyun-ahhh! Help me please tell him to go back" the giant shouted closing his eyes as they go further from the shore

But to his bad luck. Baekhyun can only hear his own shout and wind that blows hard that slap their faces so Chanyeol just grip tighter to the handle and keep screaming with his eyes close

Panting and pale. Chanyeol slip down from the boat only to be greeted by an excited and happy midgeg who quickly embraces his waist sideways doing a slight hop

"Its fun right? Come on lets do that one" Baekhyun points at a inflatable thing which causes Chanyeol's face to fall even more

"Water blob jumping..." he breath staring at the big inflatable pillow where a person will jump to cause the other person to be thrown up and lands on water

"Chanyeol are you alright? Yah! Dont tell me youre scared of that thing"

The taller just gulp and just admit by nodding eyes still lock to the inflated pillow

The excitement in Baekhyun's body did not die despite of Chanyeol's unwillingness to try anymore activity. So it ends up while Baekhyun was trying different kinds of obstacle Chanyeol was just in the shore watching his excited husband who also tried the extreme slide where the rider will be toss to the air too and other activities that includes hoping, skipping and running from the start to the end

"If I knew that these water activity will be this extreme I should have spend our whole day in our room" Chanyeol talks to his self while watching Baekhyun wear a ski tool for water skiing

Almost two hours of just watching finally Baekhyun approach Chanyeol wearing a wide smile on its face

"This is so fun. How I wish its already summer so that at least we could stay here longer" the midget says while taking off his life vest and sit on the sand beside Chanyeol

"I see you really have fun even without me"

"Because I have all the place. Unlike before when Jongdae and I needs to wait long for our turn"

"I find hard time renting this place too because you see there's a lot of guest that also want to experience this but thanks to my charm they accept my request" Chanyeol announce leaning back ward palm against the sands to support his weight

"Maybe you just offered them lots of money"

"Or maybe you could just thank me for satisfying your happiness" Chanyeol said throwing a dissatisfied look to Baekhyun

The midget shrugged his shoulders drawing his lips down ward "Im not satisfied, not until be both jump there" Baekhyun points at the bungee jump located at the shore but the falling will be in the ocean

"No way" A fast response of the giant after seeing the forty feet building Baekhyun was pointing

"Even if I let you fuck me as many as the feet of that building?"


Afraid and all Chanyeol found himself tied up with harness and hugging his small husband who was smiling ear to ear while staring up to him

"Forty rounds Baekhyun. Im telling you if you break your words I'll fuck someone else"

"Not a chance because before you could dip that dick in other's cunt. That long friend of yours will be cut off" he reply with a hint of threatening in every word he speak

Chanyeol was about to chuckle but quickly swallowed it back when a personnel approach them to check the harness and ask "you ready?"

For the last second when Baekhyun answered "yes" Chanyeol hugs his waist tighter and leans down to capture his lips as they both start to fall down from the high feet

Their lips parted when they feel the bouncing of the rope signalling that they landed and was already hanging like a bat in the air

"I love you Baekhyun" He mumbles but receive nothing in return

"You should at least say it back" he insist as yhey started to be pull back up

"Make me" Baekhyun cheekily say teasing the giant

"One year hiatus to s--"

"--alright I love you too so much Chanyeol" he interjected imagining the hiatus for a year


After a long hour of activities. The two felt the rumbling of their stomach screaming to be filled by foods. And so they decided to just eat in the restaurant of the hotel that serves almost all of the food that will surely satisfies both of their craving for they only eat ramen and bread in the morning when Baekhyun burns the foods that supposed to be their nice breakfast

Though their body was tired, Baekhyun's mouth was not. While waiting for the food to be serve he keeps asking and asking questions to Chanyeol, the most unimportant one to be exact like 'why are you so tall' and 'why everything in you was big' that embarassed the giant for the guest next to their table can surely hear Baekhyun

And when Baekhyun opens his mouth again, Chanyeol open his mouth to shut his midget up but was cut by a sudden approach of someone

"Baekhyun?" The woman in blue ask checking Baekhyun's face is its he really knows him

"Byun Baekhyun! Its you!" Happiness was in her voice when she recognize Baekhyun

And to the midget who was still in a process of thinking who the woman is examine the round face of the girl

"Its me! The girl that falls from the tree!" With that Baekhyun's eyes grew wider and a smile eventually forms in his lips


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