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I'm speechless with comforting words you guys just said to me I'm too fluttered that Imma cry *honestly* and because of that I'll soon give spoiler to my next story. Thank you for sending love to my works. I love youuu!! as much as Chanbaek love each other ~

Baekhyun woke up expecting Chanyeol will be right beside him snoring or somewhat staring at him like an obsessed husband or being a romantic guy from movies thay bring breakfast in bed to their lovers, but instead a sounds of splashing ocean from outside, blinding rays of sun and an empty room that still smells like their last night activity

He yawn and stretch his little milky limbs before he sat up and of course he expect his back and exactly his ass to be sore because of how hard but felt good they did it last night

Still annoyed waking up alone. He get off the bed and went straight to the bathroom to wash the dry cum and smell of sex from his body

After setting the right temperature of the water, Baekhyun step under the shower letting the warm water run down to his body. Humming some melody he reminisce few things from last night that causes his self to blush and embarrassed by how moan as Chanyeol pound in him

With the thoughts from last night it gives Baekhyun a boner so he end up masturbating under the shower before finally finishing his bath.

Fully dressed with casual clothes. Baekhyun head to the living area where he found his husband talking to the phone with random papers on the glass table in front of him.

Of course work... Baekhyun mentally said with a thought of Chanyeol is a successful business man, he cant just put his works aside and go happy go lucky with him

He sigh seeing how Chanyeol's forehead crease as he massage his temple. Baekhyun pursed his lips as he made his way beside the taller who seems so stressed

Right after Chanyeol noticed his presence, the lines on its forehead was erased and was replaced by a soft smile

"Good morning" was the first thing Chanyeol has told him along with a warm and tight embrace after his butt touches the couch

Chanyeol on the other hand felt like he've been pull out of a crowded place with lots of noisy trumpet with random chants and had been put in his comfort zone after having the midget inside his embrace

"Have you eaten yet?" Baekhyun ask pulling out from the hug

"Not yet, I was waiting for you to wake up"

"You should have eat alone Chanyeol. You cant work with rumbling stomach!" The midget scolded flicking the taller's forehead

"But I wanna eat you" Chanyeol straightforwardly said giving Baekhyun a naughty look

The midget roll his eyes standing up "dont get me started with that, my ass still sore" he said as he turn his back from the taller walking towards the mini kitchen

"Where are you going?"

"I will prepare breakfast"

"You know how to cook?" And thats when Baekhyun stop his track. He pause before turning around to face his husband again

"I guess?" Unsure. He shrugged his shoulders and continue his way to the kitchen

Chanyeol just nod and return his focus on papers, works to be exact that he also brought in their honeymoon day


Almost one hour had pass. Baekhyun stare at the food he made, though he cant decipher what mess he have done, he still put it in the plates and serve it on the table

He almost want to unzip the floor and be eaten by it when Chanyeol arrive in the area steadily staring at the food he made before throwing him a questioning look cocking its head while arms crossed

"Are those even edible?" The taller ask pointing at the food Baekhyun made

Embarassed and insulted by Chanyeol's comment. Baekhyun's mouth twitch almost pouting and eyebrows draw together

"I wont cook it if its not stupid!" He retorted pulling the chair across where Chanyeol is standing and sit on it harshly

"Yes it was, before you cooked them. But now? Babe you burnt almost all of them and what is that?" Chanyeol held one of egg like but almost liquid thing in the plate "is this pancakes? Why is it like this?"

Chanyeol didn't mean to be rude but Baekhyun cooked sausage that one side is burnt and other side seems uncooked and a fried rice that was half garlic half rice and lastly the pancakes that is too saggy

But though Chanyeol was just saying what he's seeing. Baekhyun felt so embarassed and hurt, so he glare at the giant choking with his own breath that when he released will might cause his eyes to tear up

"Then dont eat! Im not asking you to eat it!" He yell as he grab the spoon and fork to eat. Stabbing the sausage Chanyeol tried to open his mouth to stop the midget to eat it but too late because Baekhyun already took a large bite of it

Chanyeol just watch his husband chew the burnt food with concern look. But he heave a deep breath after Baekhyun spit the food out with a disgusted look drawn all over his face

Losing his appetite the smaller drop the utensils and get up but before he could even take a step away from table Chanyeol move like a flash to get in front of him

"Move. Im going back to sleep"

"But you just woke up" Baekhyun just gave him a lazy look

"What do you care? Im sleepy" just as stubborn he is he push Chanyeol aside and stomp his way to the bedroom and mumbles "how dare you embarrass me" that he didnt know Chanyeol able to hear

The taller just shook his head "what a nice honeymoon is this" he said and eye on the wasted food on the table

He clean it up and went on a mini fridge hoping to find foods to prepare but unfortunately he found nothing but a piece of egg

Frustrated. He follow his grumpy husband who was covered by the thick blanket but obviously awake seeing how it rolls beneath the blanket and hissed some muffled words

He walk towards the bed and remove the blanket from Baekhyun revealing the midget with a shuffled hair and annoyed expression

"What to do you want?" Baekhyun fume trying to pull the blanket back but Chanyeol throw it on the floor and sit beside Baekhyun who turn to the other side

"Oh come on. Its too early and its our honeymoon we supposed to be making love not fighting Baekhyun"

Receiving no response from the midget Chanyeol lie down and grab Baekhyun by the waist and shoulder to roll the smaller over to his top

Startled by the move Chanyeol have done Baekhyun slightly squeals and found his self obove the taller who place multiple kiss on his lips right after his face hover to its face

"Im sorry okay" Chanyeol cooes tightening his hug to Baekhyun's waist

"You ungrateful husband. You should be happy that I cooked for you! I have never cooked in my entire life. And be happy because others wont bother cooking for their husband like I do!" The smaller ranted in a childish way

Chanyeol just chuckle and give Baekhyun a chase kiss

"How about I show you my surprise for you to make it up with you?"

Slowly he get up keeping Baekhyun in front of him to make the smaller straddles on his waist

"Surprise? What is it?"

"Well. Just earlier this morning I prepare something thinking you'll be all grumpy about your sore butthole. But then it wasn't about the ass that you're grumpy. At least you're still annoyed so shall we?"

Confused. Baekhyun raised his brow and give Chanyeol a look


"You'll see. But how about a quicky first? Because my friend was awaken by your buns babe"

Thank you again guys. I couldnt mention all of you but I'll make sure to work harder in return ~ ❤

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