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Slipping his hand off Baekhyun's hand, Chanyeol excitedly jog towards his mother who was having his arms open wide to welcome Chanyeol for a loving embrace

And Baekhyun who felt uneasy not having Chanyeol beside him with Chanyeol's mother right in front of him was having his head down and watching his feet attached to the wooden stairs not wanting to be noticed by the intimidating fine looking woman who was currently hugging the taller

"When did you arrived?" Chanyeol ask in a happy tone, not seeing his parents for a long time sure is a burden

"Just a few hours ago, I didn't bother calling you since I know you're busy"

"But I could leave that to fetch you mom, and by the way where's dad?"

"Oh that old man, he's up to something but he said he'll just catch up here when he's done with those stuff" the woman said admiring how Chanyeol look so grown up and respective with it's outfit

By the time Mrs Park's eyes avert and meet a small, petite figure standing on the stairs he face Chanyeol with a puzzled look asking "who's that young man"

And that's when Chanyeol realized he left Baekhyun standing there, so he quickly walk back to the smaller and held it's hand to guide him towards his mother

"Oh yeah mom I forgot to tell you, this is Baekhyun" he introduced and Baekhyun quickly bow his head as a respect

"Good evening mam, I'm Byun Baekhyun" he greeted still bowing his head

Mrs Park examined Baekhyun's features before saying "and you're Chanyeol's?" She questioned and following Baekhyun's every movement with her eyes

Baekhyun slowly rise up his head and turn his eyes to Chanyeol and sending him message saying 'help me answer her question' but the taller seems not getting his gesture so he clear his throat and lock his gaze with Mrs Park

"I'm your son's fiance" he plainly answers with a half smile written on his face

The lady only nods before shifting his eyes to Chanyeol and say "changes clothes and let's eat" before completely turning her back a and walk towards the dining are

Baekhyun follow her track with his eyes still innocent if Chanyeol's mother like him or not

He was holding his breath during that whole conversation so when the woman was already bout of his sight he let out a deep and loud breath before facing the taller

"You! Idiot! Why didn't you tell me that your mom was here!" He hisses pointing at Chanyeol

"I didn't know too!" Chanyeol defended shrugging his shoulders

"Do you think she like me?" The smaller hesitantly ask furrowing his brows

Chanyeol stick out his lower lip before shrugging his shoulder gesturing a 'I don't know' phrase to the smaller who soon smack his his chest I'm annoyance

"She's your mom you should know it by his body language!" Baekhyun hissed and walk pass the giant heading towards his room

Chanyeol just chuckle and follow the midget's track but head towards his room to changes into comfy clothes

After changing his clothes, instead of proceeding down stairs Chanyeol made his way to the room beside his and went in without knocking

The smaller almost stumbles in surprise when he saw Chanyeol leaning it's arms on the wall arms crossed and eyes lock on him with it's infamous smirk drawn on his lips

"Are you really that stupid to forget how to knock?" Baekhyun yell covering his anked torso

Chanyeol just chuckle and decided to step nearer the midget who was keeping his self in place  which is near his closet

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" He ask when he's already standing in front of Baekhyun

"It's hot, and besides I'm the only one here so no one will see me even if I shoe off my naked glory" he state moving his feet towarss the huge bed and slammed his self there ,chest pressing the matress ,shwoing off his clothed round butt to the giant's view

"Aren't you gonna eat with us?"

Baekhyun shook his head and say "she didn't invite me, and I think she doesn't like me for you Chanyeol, I dotn wanna ruin your mother and son time" he sighingly said keeping his eyes lock on the huge pane beside his bed which shows a thousands stars sparkling along with a dark blur skies

Chanyeol heard a hesitation and disappointment from the midget's statement, so he crawl beside Baekhyun and hugs it's waist to pull him closer to his embarce

"I dont like you either" Chanyeol confesses making Baekhyun turn his head to face Chanyeol and give him a killer stare

"At first" he corrected "but then you eventually make me fall for your charm, which is your sassiness and never ending profanities towards me, so I don't think mom doesn't like you" he comfort brushing the midget's forehead using his thumb

"But she's not you, and she's your mom, she'll dislike it if I go sassy and cuss to her, use your head sometimes Chanyeol"

"I'm not saying you'll do that! What I meant to say is, you have a lots of flaws that people can get easily attached to you"

"Tss, I don't think so" Baekhyun contradicted shifting his head towards the window again

And when Chanyeol was about to open his mouth to speak a sudden voice stop him

"Sir, your mom sends me here to call you and your dad has arrived too" the young maid informs making them both startles in surprise

Baekhyun quickly avert his head to look towards the girl and when he saw the young maid he quickly move closer to Chanyeol and lay his head on Chanyeol's chest

"We will go, so leave, and oh learn how to knock next time because you might see us making love the next time you came in here" Baekhyun command and wave his hand gesturing the maid to go out

The lady just roll her eyes before stomping his feet out off the room

Out of the rude attitude he showed up Baekhyun's heart was hummering after hearing Chanyeol's dad was already downstairs

"Frightened?" The taller teasingly ask to the spacing out midget

"Let break up already ~" Baekhyun whiningly said, thinking it's the only reason for him to be free from this kind of situation

"In your dreams Baekhyun, I've faced your terrifying parents, so might as well face mine too"

Chanyeol get off the bed and fix his messed hair "get dressed, don't worry I'm with you"

Is it still crappy as last time?

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