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When the door was shut right after his face Baekhyun groan in irritation and just decided to find his room. He walk towards the first door he saw just right beside Chanyeol's room, he twist the doorknob and swang the door open, and he was surprise by the elegance of the room behind that wooden door

"Wow, it's twice bigger than our basement" he comment as he slowly walks and observed every corner of the room, and not a single thing in his room wasn't there

He walk towards the large closet and opens both the huge door, his clothes was folded and hung neatly in it, same as his shoes was aligned in one rectangular open-drawer beside the closet

He spun around and his eyes catch the king sized bed beside the sliding door of the veranda where a view of night sky can be seen properly, he jog towards the bed and slammed his self like a child snuggling to the thick sheets of it "living here wasn't so bad at all" he said and get his self out off the bed and get his usual clothes to wear

"Should I still go back to his room? Or should I just cuddle with you?" The midget talks to the bed after he changed his clothes "oh I see don't worry I chose you too" he laughingly said and crawls over the bed quickly tackling the pillow in his arms and spreading the blanket all over him

"It feels good" he sigh in contentment and slowly closing his eyes deciding to fell on his slumber, and not a minute of closing his eyes, he was already snoring in his deep sleep


Exiting the shower already fully clothed with his plain shirt and baggy pants the giant dry his hair with the towel sitting on the edge of his bed

"Why is that kid taking so long?" He mumbles as he wait for someone to knock on his door, he throws the towel on the laundry basket before walking to his table to check some paper works

Exactly already an hour after the midget left his room, the giant who already showered and done some paper works was now pissed off because of too much waiting, he harshly stand and walks exiting his room and barge in the room next to his which is Baekhyun's room

He grumpily walks in only to be welcomed by a sleeping petite guy who has his legs and arms spread wide, hair was messily thrown over his forehead and eyes and some drool beside his thin lips which cause the giant to chuckle and spend more time to watch his sassy young fiancé in his sleep

"Your eyeliner and eyeshadows ruined my first impression to you" he talks to his self still looking at Baekhyun like he was being drowned because of it's bare face and milky fair skin that is unintentionally exposed because of it's way of sleeping

Having enough of staring at Baekhyun, Chanyeol decided to wake the midget up to discuss the things Baekhyun's had told Chanyeol when they met hours ago

He sit beside the midget "Hey wake up!" He said as he tap its arm, but the midget didn't move even a flinch "Baekhyun-ah wake up!" He again tried but this time his shakes the latter in arm, enough to wake it up

" I'm tired" Baekhyun answer in a sleepily voice as it snuggle in the blanket even more, making the giant to chuckle knowing that Baekhyun thinks that he's still in his home

"If you don't wake up, I'll fuck you raw and hard making your tight ass to bleed in pleasure" Chanyeol whisper in Baekhyun's ear and slightly brushing his lips in its earlobe

Baekhyun quickly shut his eyes open after hearing the deep and husky voice, gathering all his senses to get up from his tiring slumber "what the fuck you pervert! Why are you here!" He hissed as he cover his self with he blanket

"I remember telling you to come back in my room after you changed your clothes, you made me wait for an hour for goodness sake" the giant complain earning an eye roll from the midget "I never told you to wait, and I'm tired from school so leave me alone and let me sleep" Baekhyun demanded and try laying down on the mattress again but Chanyeol's long arms quickly move to grab and prevent him from laying down

"What!" Baekhyun whines when Chanyeol forcely make him stay sited "I told you we need to discuss something" Chanyeol answered making himself comfortably sitting on the midget's bed

"If it is about your house rules or the clique 'no touching my things' and 'dont invade my privacies' then y--"

"--no, so shut up and listen to me you chatterbox" Chanyeol quickly speaks to shut the midget up

"So spit it so that I could sleep already"

Chanyeol sigh stressing over how ungrateful and sassy his fiancé is, and the fact that he's four years older than this guy he never gain any respect from him

"Can you talk more respectful? Let me tell you I'm older than you and for your information, you're just a student and I'm already a working guy" Chanyeol reminded firmly pointing at the sleepy midget who have his mouth twitch

"So you want me calling my fiancé 'hyung' or 'Mr Park'? That's too odd Chanyeol" Chanyeol was stun by Baekhyun's answer and he can't utterly said a proper word to respond

"Okay if that's what you want hy--"

"No it's fine, so you're saying you're agreeing on marrying me?" The amused giant ask with a excited smile on his face but quickly fell when Baekhyun answered "Nope" popping the p

"Not unless you apologize to me" after calling me name? You think I'm that easy? *maybe yes* the midget said eyebrow raised and arms crossed on his chest waiting for the proper apology he wanted

"Alright, you see I misinterpret your looks because who won't your face was mask with your black eyeliner and silver like eye shadows so w--"

"That's not an apology Mister! You're making it worst!"

"Fine! I'm sorry, I'm wrong you were not ugly" Baekhyun nod as an agreement "you're not slut, and so is you didn't seduced me to fuck you" Baekhyun continuously nod and gesturing the giant to continue "and you're way more worth it for a one night fuck" Chanyeol cooed lowering his head in embrassment for he never apologize like this before

"Okay, apology accepted" Baekhyun smiles brightly and gives the giant a thumbs up after speaking again "so what's the discussion you're talking about?"

And suddenly Chanyeol remember his real purpose of why he's here, He fix his composure before facing Baekhyun properly " Oh that well your parents had some agreement with me when we met few hours ago"

Baekhyun leans on the headboard eye still focus on Chanyeol "They said you will be living with me starting today till the rest of your life after we got married" expecting to gain a 'what!? or some disagreement from Baekhyun, Chanyeol stares for a while only earning a nod from him

"You'll not pretest about it?" He confusedly ask knowing Baekhyun really hate his presence

"Why would I? That's normal between married couple" Baekhyun shrugged grabbing a pillow beside him to tangled on his arms

"But we don't love each other" Chanyeol said "even if we're married, we may eventually feel fed up and might as well find s--"

"Love can be learn Chanyeol, I can make you fell in love easily same as how fast you got my precious ass" Baekhyun cooed and lay down back facing Chanyeol

How could you say that, am I that unlovable to you?  Baekhyun says to his mind hiding his pained feelings

"And if you can't learn to love me within a month after we got married, divorce can be easily file you know" Baekhyun continue when he gain no respond from the giant

"I'm a fast learner Baekhyun" He shivers when he felt a warm breath on his nape same as a strong arm around his waist "and maybe loving you was the easiest thing to be learned" he continue as he pull Baekhyun closer to him

"Stop being cheezy, I might vomit" Baekhyun respond but turning around to hug Chanyeol back

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