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Baekhyun POV

I felt something moved beside me that force me to open my eyes to see who the hell in this world tries to wake me up early this morning

I removed the blanket off me and lazily sit up, and hell why is my butt stinging from pain

I caresses my waist trying to sooth the pain around my hips and exactly at my butt hole and adding this head ache that I don't know why it's hurting

Carefully looking around where I am, though my head was still pounding mess, I am surprise that I am in an unfamiliar place

Quickly shifting my eyes on my side where a sudden movement happened, my eyes caught a large figure moving under the blanket

My eye were now as large as Kyungsoo's eyes after I realized that I am not wearing even a single cloth on my body

Turning my head again to the giant figure beside me, now I can see his face...

"Oh my gosh! Mr. Park!!!" I accidentally yell and pull the blanket on me to cover my naked torso, and as stupid as cockroach after I pulled the blankets, it makes Mr. Park's body revealed...

Fucking holy grail!!! He was naked too!!!

I was startled when he slowly open his eyes and blink a few times like adjusting from the light

When I think he finally adjusted, his eyes grew wider and quickly sat up "Holy shit who are you!!?" He yelled and look at me in fright and disgust

I can't find a word to say to the simple question he ask me, cause who would? Seeing his bare body in front of me

My eyes just went wide and lock towards his well built torso and long as I don't wanna look down, but my sinful eyes move on it's own down to the large muscle between Mr. Park's torso and legs

That's big!!!


Realizing that he was naked too, like the petite boy in front of him, but has all the blankets in him, that none remains on his body, the giant stood up and quickly grab his clothes

"You pervert gay!! How dare you sleep with me! And you even took advantage of me last night! You disgusting little shit!" The giant spat not minding the meanful words he throws towards the smaller, as he quickly dressed his self

"B-but I...y--" the midget was about to speak when the giant shut him quick "--shut up! You disgusting pest, I don't care of your excuses! Don't say that I initiated it cause if you look at yourself, even if I was drowned in alcohol I wouldn't do shit to you--"

"But you did you stupid giant!!" Baekhyun finally spoken, and slowly a tear fell out from his eyes causing his eyeliner to messed his face even more

He didn't received any more words from the giant, but a loud groan before it finally dash out from the room leaving Baekhyun alone crying because of the insults he received from the giant

The first thing that came in his mind after he calm down from crying was to call his friends

He grab the telephone beside him and dialled Jongdae's home number...

"Hello, Jongdae speaking" instead of yelling out to his friend that left him alone last night, he can't help but to laugh by the way his friend greeted him formally

"Who's this? Why are you laughing! It's not a mental hospital so p--"

"If you hang up, you'll be needing to spend half of your life apologizing to me not only for hanging up this call but also leaving me last night!" The sassy midget speaks with a cold tone making Jongdae gasp on the other line

"Baek!! Oh my gosh! Where are you!!? And FYI we search for you last night but you were no where to be seen!! Now tell me where on earth are you!" As usual a eardrum breaker voice of his friend makes him pull the phone away from his ear

"I'm at Heritage Hotel, near the bar we went in last night... Fetch me I can't walk"

"You're in a ho--- and what!? You can't walk!! Baek don't tell m--" before his loud friend can speak another word he lazily hang up the line before he lay down on the bed again


This is short but, I bet you will like my next update, so just wait and thank you for being patient on waiting for my updates even though it's not worthy sometimes...

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