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The car started to drove off with a sulking Baekhyun and a grinning Chanyeol who feel awarded for forcing Baekhyun to ride in the same car with him

"You should stop smiling, it's creepy and let me remind you too, I'm not marrying you" the midget sassily said and lean his elbow on the window putting his chin on his palm

"You'll marry me, whether you protested till death because I have talk to your parents already and they're now processing it" Chanyeol replied eyes focus on the road

Baekhyun a loud 'Hah!' mouth twitching and hisnhead almost fell from his palm from what he heard

"You... My parents what!?" He ask shifting his head to face Chanyeol who was still focusing on driving "you heard me don't play deaf, sooner or later we'll be on the same aisle saying 'I dos' to each other" the giant cheekly said gaining fake gag from the midget

"Dream on Mr Park, even you're the last man on this planet, I. Won't. Marry. You" he pointed out, and now his mind was rumbled cause of frustration because Baekhyun knows that when his mom or especially his dad decide a thing, it will really happen whether he like it or not

"I don't even like you, but I have no choice at all" Chanyeol conceitedly said with a shrug, the midget was surprise by the statement and somehow hurt thinking that maybe this giant beside him agree with the wedding cause Chanyeol like him, but he's wrong again

"You have choice! You should've choose to be gunshot instead! It's better than marrying me!" Baekhyun whines feeling so embarrassed by hisnfalse hope

"Many people needs me, and one of them is your parents, think about how will they be without my company" and that's when Baekhyun realized that he was talking to his father's boss who provide every money that they have

"Tch! No one needs a conceited man like you, and wait!! This is not my way home! Where are y--" a loud whines of the midget was shut when Chanyeol grab the stress ball on his front and put it on his mouth

"You really whines too much for a boy don't you? You're going home, in my house" and the only words that sink in Baekhyun's mind was 'in my house' that cause him to pull out the ball from his mouth to speak "YOUR HOUSE!? Why!?"

"I hate explaining so just shut up bean!" Baekhyun was about to open his mouth to answer back when the car stop with a hard break causing him to lean forward and push back again, they were already inside Chanyeol's house

"If you're going to whines about your things, they're already here and they're already fixed, so get your ass up there and follow me" Chanyeol unbuckled his seat belt and went off the car, so the midget quickly unbuckle his seat belt and follow the long legged guy who head inside the huge house

He follow Chanyeol like a secretary in the office up to the living room where two maids were cleaning, one maid is old enough to be calls grandma and the other was like in the age of twenty five to thirty

"Good day sir" the elder maid greeted with a formal bow and continue on his work, Baekhyun eye on the younger maid who smiled cheekly before bowing "good day sir" she greeted and twinkle her eyes before going on his task again

Baekhyun chuckle by the scene before patting Chanyeol's arm "that maid of you, she likes you that sounds clique ha, maid and boss being in love" the midget state before laughing enough to tease the taller

Chanyeol just roll his eyes before grabbing the Baekhyun's hand to intertwined with his "This is Baekhyun, he's my fiancé and he will be living with us starting today, and treat him like the way you treat me" Chanyeol announced and pull the midget with him up stairs

Baekhyun was surprise with the taller's sudden act, and before he knew it he was lock in the unfamiliar room with the giant pinning him on the door behind him

"Yah! I haven't greeted them! And what are you doing!? Are you going to kiss me? Hah! Oh I remember now, you haven't kiss me that night we had sex, and oh I also remember you saying 'I don't kiss other people' am I right?" The midget ranted and tried to push the giant off him, but no to avail

"Mr Park would you mind!? I need to r--ahhh w-what...nng" Baekhyun cannot continue on his sentence when Chanyeol start to kiss and suck his neck right on his weak spot

"You know, I hated chatter box people, and you know what I hate most? Me teasing to that girl" Chanyeol whisper to his neck ghosting his lips on the latter's neck

"I-I'm sorry Mr Park" Baekhyun suddenly feels weak when the giant continue on leaving feather like kisses on his neck sending shivers to his body and making his knees weak

The kisses went up to his jaw up to his cheek, the giant continue pecking every part of his cheek and jaw but still avoiding his plump lips, as Baekhyun stay still closing his eyes savouring every kisses he receive from the moist and soft lips of the giant that he never experience before

"Now now, go to your room and change your clothes we have a lot to discuss" Chanyeol said leaving multiple kiss on the midget's forehead before caressing it's cheeks with his thumb and walk towards his closet leaving the stunned midget still standing on the door

"Hey! Didn't you hear me? I s--"

"Yeah yeah, but I just have a question,  can I?" The midget cut, and step closer to Chanyeol who just hummed in respond

"Why did you avoided kissing my lips? Does my breath smells? Or is it too thin for your liking?" The curious Baekhyun ask holding his own lips like examining it with his fingers

Chanyeol just softly laugh by the midget's action and continue on finding a clothes to wear "just go to your room Baekhyun, I hate explaining"

And before Baekhyun could insist on asking that question, he was quickly pushed out off the taller's room

"Yah!! I just want to know" he yell when he was already out of the room

"You dont need to, so do what I've told you and went back here"

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