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I just woke up again. Gosh not sleeping for like one and half day was terrible. And now I gain my sleep back I want to update suddenly hahaha that Supposed to be tomorrow.

After lips collide together Chanyeol slip his arms under Baekhyun circling to its waist down to the butt to lift the midget up without breaking their kiss

Successfully making Baekhyun straddle on his waist and its arms wrapped around his neck . Chanyeol stand and carry  his husband to the bedroom still savoring each other's lips and tongue

Reaching the bedroom, Baekhyun pull out from their breathtaking lip lock panting as he leans his forehead against Chanyeol while waiting for his back to make a contact with the mattress which soon happen when Chanyeol carefully lay him down the bed with the the taller's hands still beneath him

And as soon as both of them are in bed Chanyeol stares to Baekhyun for a while caressing the midget's forehead with his thumb before leaning down to start another kiss. But Baekhyun pressed his index finger to Chanyeol's lips to stop the giant which result the taller to draw lines on his forehead that Baekhyun quickly erase using his finger

"I'm not backing out. Just get the lube in my things first"

"You brought it" Chanyeol ask thinking maybe the midget refuse to bring those stuffs because of their unreasonable fight

"I know you Park and I know myself too. And Kyungsoo might lecture me for not using it, you dont know how evil that penguin is that even Satan might get terrified  of him" Baekhyun says watching Chanyeol clumsily rummage to his things to get the lube and walk towards the light switch to turn dow the lights to a moon light like lighting  before returning to Baekhyun who already took his clothes off leaving only his dark blue underwear

Chanyeol crawl down to the mattress to reach Baekhyun's place and needless to speak both aim for each other's lips with Baekhyun running his dainty fingers at the back head of Chanyeol grabbing fistful amount of its hair to push Chanyeol against him for a deeper kiss. Chanyeol  did not complain instead, he holds the midget on waist and guide him to lay his back and as the large hands of Chanyeol run to the fair smooth skin of Baekhyun along with it was his lips that carefully detached from the kiss and went down to kiss the jaw of Baekhyun. Sucking and licking its way down to the luscious neck of Baekhyun

Not minding of his sensitive skin, Baekhyun let Chanyeol leave multiple hickeys on his neck and torso which Chanyeol sumpsciously suck and kiss not forgetting his puckered buds which turn wet and pinkish after Chanyeol suck and lick it and down to his abdomen that made his back arch forming a cave like to his belly when Chanyeol run his tongue to it up to the waistband of his underwear   

Without anymore second had pass. Chanyeol already pull down the last thing thag cover the midget's body, leaving him completely naked while Chanyeol was still fully clothed, so before Chanyeol could even move his hand to touch his shaft. Baekhyun sit up and quickly grab the hem of Chanyeol's shirt to lift it up. Successfully taking Chanyeol's shirt off Baekhyun patted Chanyeol on tigh

"Take this off" Baekhyun commanded as he kneel on the mattress watching Chanyeol take his pants off

Throwing the clothes on the floor Chanyeol tried to reach for Baekhyun again but the midget have other plan.

He push Chanyeol back and bend down facing Chanyeol's semi hard member, eyeing it like its the most delicious dinner he will have

"Since you eat me well last time. Its pay back time" Baekhyun seductively state and wrapped his hand on the cock before darting his tongue to the base running it from down up to the slit of the head that retract from the skin showing the shiny pink head which Baekhyun completely invade with his flat tongue Baekhyun swiftly slip the now throbbing veiny shaft earning delicious moan from Chanyeol who throw his head back while keeping his self still with his hands clutching on the sheets

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