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Being stunned by the midget's sudden demand, Chanyeol pause for a moment and stare at Baekhyun's waiting face beneath him, and soon when he received a arching brow from the midget like it was already impatient, he slowly close his eyes and leans down to connect their part lips again, but then his lips landed on a soft and smooth palm of Baekhyun who soon pushes his lips away

"What are you doing?" Baekhyun ask giving Chanyeol a judging look who was puzzled by what's happening

"Y-you" he stutter seeing a teasing smirk on Baekhyun's thin lips "I said take me...take me down stairs cause I'm hungry" Baekhyun said almost laughing getting what's the giant is thinking right now

"I thought y-you..."

"Want you to fuck me? Haha dream on Mr Park, I'm not letting you fuck me twice, not until we're married or not until I fell in love with you" the midget continuously ranted and trying to swipe his self out from the hovering giant on top of him

Chanyeol who was embarrass and pissed at the same time give the midget a glare before powerly getting his self off from top of Baekhyun who soon wince because of a sudden force of the giant on his stomach

"Yah! That hurts!" He whines rubbing his hurt stomach while getting his self up from the mattress

"Serves you right you teasing little monster" Chanyeol hissed and turn his back ready to walk out of his room but suddenly stop his track when he hears the midget sobs, he quickly turn around and look back to Baekhyun who was curled up on the floor holding his stomach

Being caught off guard, Chanyeol rush into the midget, whom he doesn't know that was only faking everything just to teased the giant again

"B-Baekhyun-ah! What happened! Where does it hurts!? Yah! Speak up!" The giant panick getting Baekhyun in his arms to checked it's expression who soon let out a loud laugh while pointing at the giant's face who soon get that Baekhyun was only faking the pain

"Hahahahaha!!! Have you seem your face!! Pfft Hahahahaha!! You almost look like a choking elf! Hahahahaha!!" The midget laughs almost shedding a tears because of too much laughter

While on the other hand, Chanyeol was frowning mess, sending deadly glare on Baekhyun who was still laughing his ass out "You think it's funny!? Ha!?" He yell and drop Baekhyun's body on the floor again making it choke to it's own laughter

"You won't get any from me again you little shit!" The giant hisses with an angry tone making Baekhyun stop from laughing by seeing how made Chanyeol mad

"Hey, I was just joking!" He defended getting up from the floor to approach the frowning giant

"Well it's not funny! Don't talk to me again" Chanyeom growl pointing at Baekhyun, and soon turn his back to walk away

Baekhyun on the other hand pouted and felt sudden sadness on how mad and rude Chanyeol is to him right now

"I'm sorry okay!" He shouted when Chanyeol was already at the door "don't be mad anymore" he cooed but still the giant didn't respond and continue to open the door to step out the room

Chanyeol left the room's door open while he walks towards the stairs, but soon stop when the rushing midget blocked his way and hugs him on the waist while looking up to him with a pleading expression

"I said I'm sorry" Baekhyun cooes twinkling his eyes and purposely pouted his lips to persuade the grumpy giant not to be mad anymore " don't be mad anymore hm hm?" It aegyos slightly tip toeing to level his face with Chanyeol

The giant who seems to fall from the cuteness trap of the midget only wears a poker face trying to see more aegyo from the midget

"Give me reason why will I forgive you" he coldly say and nonchalantly looking down at the midget "because ~ I say sorry already, and I swear I won't do it again, hm? So please cut off being so grumpy it will make you look older" it persuade still twinkling his eyes and smiling like a child

And when Chanyeol was about to open his mouth to talk again, Baekhyun press his lips against his before speaking again "please?" Pecking his lips multiple times making him crack a smile not wanting to hold back his inner feels

"Alright I forgive you" he said cupping Baekhyun's cheek "now put on any shirt and follow me down stairs, okay?" He pats Baekhyun's cheek who quickly nods and went in his room


Going down stairs already wearing a over sized shirt and his boxer short, he proceed to the dining area where Chanyeol is

He stop proceeding when he saw Chanyeol's frustrated face, while the young maid was leaning on the table arranging the foods

He let out a smirk and plan to use his acting skills before walking in the area

He holds on his waist and act like wincing in pain as he walk in the dining are "A-ah babe help" he acted as he slowly walks like limping and eyes landed on Chanyeol who already has a concern look on his face

"What happened?" Chanyeol ask, as he quickly stands and made his way to the limping midget

"My waist and butt hole hurts!" He complained faking a glare towards Chanyeol who was now confuse by what he's acting

"Don't play dumb idiot, you fuck me so hard just a minutes ago, so don't give me that look" he yells making sure the maid has heard it, and she definitely did because he heard her gasp and saw how her face fell on his peripheral view

"Wh--" and the giant was about to ask but soon interrupted by a sudden wince from the acting midget who was gesturing him to come closer to him

And when Chanyeol was already just inches apart from him he leans on it's ear and whispers "just play along, you'll thank me after this" he whispers only audible for the taller's ears

And nu getting what's Baekhyun's purpose, he lift the midget's up putting it in his arms before saying "I'm sorry babe, next time I'll fuck you passionately that you'll be begging for more" he ride on making the midget holds his laughter seeing how the young lady frowns and almost throw up from what she's hearing

Chanyeol walks towards the table and gently place the midget on the chair beside him "for now let's eat because I know we'll be having the night of our life this night" the giant added before hitting his lips to hold back his laugh, because the young lady stomps away from them heading to the living room

"And babe did I mention, you eat my ass so good" Baekhyun's added making sure that the young maid still hears it

And when they're sure they're alone together, the two let out their paused laughter giving each other a high five as a mark of succession

"You're really good at acting" the giant complemented as soon as he stop laughing and grabs the plate of food in front of him

"I know right, you're also good at it" Baekhyun said and decided to grab some foods too

Already shrugging how dirty they talk just a minute ago, the two eat in silence, until Baekhyun decided to broke it

"My friends will be here tomorrow, I already ask you about it, so they decided that they'll go here tomorrow"

"What time?"

"After class, and only to remind you, they're no normal people, one of them is the most pervert person you'll ever meet and that is Jongin, and another is the son is Satan who I think has a crush on you, and that's Kyungsoo, and the last is the megaphone who you'll not hear to talk in peace, and that's Jongdae" he explains as he continue munching his foods

"Crush on me you say?" The giant ask eyeing on him "uhuh, but don't dare lay a finger on him, he's Jongin's boyfriend" he warns and pointed at the giant

"I will not, and you might get jealous if I do" Chanyeol teased sending smirk on the midget

"Jealous? Me? Huh! Try me!" Baekhyun challenge gaining a playful grin from the giant

At last I've finished this chapter, and guys I don't think I can update for 3 days? Because I'll be on province that time, but I promise when I update I'll be publishing 2-3 chapters so please wait for me...

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