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Waking up to a buzzing alarm clock echoing inside his room, Baekhyun sit up having his eyes still close because of sleepiness, he reach on his left side but touched nothing but a side table

He opens his eyes and remembered it's not his old room and the alarm clock that was buzzing none stop was located at the right side placed above a small table-like drawer

He shaffle his hair in annoyance, and instead of getting off the bed to turn on the right side, he shamelessly straddles on the still sleeping giant beside him

He placed his legs on the either side of Chanyeol's hips unintentionally pressing his butt on the taller's member, he quickly leans towards the alarm clock and successfully making it stop from buzzing

He sigh in relief and deicidng to went back to sleep again, since it's Saturday meaning he has no classes, he push his torso up using his arms but totally surprised when a strong hands pull him back to a bone breaking embrace

He felt a hot breath fanning on his ear "mind telling me a good reason why is my little fiancé sitting on my dick early this morning hm?" A husky voice with a hint of teasing echoes through his ears making the hairs on his nape stand straight in shiver

Baekhyun turn his face which becomes a unlucky move when his nose brush against the taller's nose and his eyes meet it's brown almond eyes and leaving only inch away between their lips

"I-I turn off the a-alarm" he stutter pointing on the right side even though Chanyeol worn see it since their faces were so close to each other, plus their clothed member were dangerously pressed on each other adding more pressure to Baekhyun

"So does it mean you need to sit on my dick?" Chanyeol spoke causing breath to ghost on Baekhyun's mouth

Chanyeol slowly slide his hands on Baekhyun's back, down to it's clothed round ass, causing Baekhyun to grew his eyes wider and clench his teeth by the taller's action

"What the fuck are you doing!?"

"Touching your butt? Since you wake up my morning wood?" Chanyeol innocently state palming the smaller's butt and start to thrust his hips up, making them both to feel slight pleasure with their clothed dick rubbing on each other

"A-ah you need to fucking stop be-ah before I punch you" Baekhyun warns trying to push his self up but secretly loving the sensation he's feeling

He look down to the giant beneath him who was closing his eyes and biting it's lower lip and continue on dry humping him while holding still on his butt

"F-fuck Baekhyun, please" Chanyeol moans as he open his hazy lustful eyes only to meet Baekhyun's annoyed face

"No, so stop" Baekhyun finishes and tried to free him self off Chanyeol's foreplay but fail to do so

"Fucking let me go Park Chanyeol!" He whines, and slap the giant's chest who just smirk in return

And then soon he felt another skin pressing on his bare butt slowly sliding on the long slit of his butt down to his puckered hole

"Park Chanyeol!" He yell and reach for the giant's arm to pull it out from his short but the stubborn business man keep his hands still in it, one stretching the butt apart and one playing with his hole

"Just let me touch it for a while" Change request, like he was requesting for a none sexual thing to do

"F-fuck stop" Baekhyun accidentally moans and leans hisnforehead down on Chanyeol's neck

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