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Scared and hit by his bestfriend's words. After class Baekhyun go home alone, Chanyeol did not fetch him because he texted the taller not too after he left their house.

He expect that no one will be home except for the maids. But when he arrived at the living area, his giant husband was sleeping at the long couch obviously look like he just came home from work for he was still wearing a formal attire and random folders and papers spread on the glass table

Sighing. He walk towards where Chanyeol is sleeping and cross sit on the floor leveling both of their faces

He stare at Chanyeol's sleeping face and wonder what's his husband is dreaming about when he saw its eyebrows knitted and mumble inedible words. Baekhyun raised his hand to touch his husband's cheek when a sudden ding of a phone prevent him

The midget look over his shoulder and saw Chanyeol's cellphone screen lit. And out of curiosity, he checked if Chanyeol was really sleeping by waving his hand right in front of its face before grabbing the phone and read the messages

Clicking the recent message his heart suddenly pound loudly seeing the name of the sender. He look up to Chanyeol again and return his eyes to the screen

Though he's nervous and afraid to see the message. His finger still click on it to release the curiosity building inside him

You know we cant do that Mr Park. It a very important partnership, and if we do it will be our lost not their's. And its our chance to be known in other country

Baekhyun draw his eyebrow near to each other and scroll up to see what Chanyeol has said to Jaeun and to clearly understand what's the meaning of her reply

Ms. Jaeun can we reschedule the business trip in Singapore?

Im sorry to say sir but we cannot

Why not? Because Im still having a hard time convincing my husband to let me fly to Singapore

As much as I want to consider your reason sir but Mr Chan do not consider any excuses. His assistant said that its either we accept or reject. Because there is no other schedule for this

Then just reject it.

Baekhyun's eyes grew wider reading the last message Chanyeol texted to Jaeun. He turn off the phone again and place it back to the table

Guilt and conscience is now running in Baekhyun's mind thinking Chanyeol chose his selfishness over a big offer

All of a sudden Baekhyun shed tears being overwhelm by the random feelings inside him. He sniffles and wipe his tears like a kid causing the taller to be awake

Chanyeol adjusted his eyes from the light by blinking tightly before he saw his child like husband sitting and crying right in front of his face causing him to be alarm and jump to sit up

"Baekhyun what happen. Why are you crying?" Chanyeol ask in concern reaching the midget's arms to lift it up from the floor and guide it to sit beside him

"I hate you. Youre really stupid giant elf" Baekhyun cries confusing the taller

And when Chanyeol sees that his husband is still wearing his uniform. He force not to facepalm his self thinking Baekhyun expected him to be there at his school after class

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