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Have you watched Kasper instalive last night? Bare faced Chanyeol is with him ~ with their another friend, Yeolie is so handsome, seriously!!


Baekhyun wears a v neck shirt under his black jacket and along with his forever love, his oh so tight jeans that embraces his meaty legs well and the last piece he wear was his white converse before he proceed going to his father who was already inside the car

"What took you so long?" Mr Byun ask as Baekhyun hops in the backseat cause beside his father was his long and shining shotgun, that is loaded with three thick bullets

"Dad, do we really need that gun? What if we get arrested?" He ask back ignoring his father's question, because seeing the gun with them inside the car really bothers him

"And what if he fires you? He's your boss dad! Mom will kill us both if he knew this!" Baekhyun continue, thinking how mad his mom would be if his dad lost his job, same as if his dad kill someone

"Trust me in this son, and he's my boss yes, but when we're in his company but not when we're out, and don't worry about your mom, she'll probably do the same if she knew, you got slated by that young business man, and she'll probably bring machine gun instead of this" his dad long explanation before finally driving off from their garage

Baekhyun just sigh and leans back to his seat, finally giving up omnarguing with his stubborn father

Arriving in a huge and luxurious village, Mr Byun stop the car few meters away from the said house

"Are we here?" Baekhyun quickly ask and move forward to see the front

"Yes, you see that mansion? That's the house of that pervert" his dad points at the huge huge house between a two large house too, and his eyes almost drop seeing how it is thrice bigger than their home

"Yes, you see that mansion? That's the house of that pervert" his dad points at the huge huge house between a two large house too, and his eyes almost drop seeing how it is thrice bigger than their home

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"Waah ~ he's really rich dad, he might have lots of guards there, I still don't wanna die dad!"

"Who told you you're going out, you stay here while I talk to that jerk, I guess he's still in there" not waiting for Baekhyun to answer Mr Byun grabs the gun and went out off the car

And never in his entire life Baekhyun had felt the nervousness he's feeling right now, eyeing on his father while it walks towards the house and ring it's doorbell non stop until a girl opens the gate


"Where's your boss?" Mr Byun fiercely ask after the gate was opened by one of the maid

The girl's eye landed on the long shotgun on the man's arm making it stiffened and nervously gulp

"H-he...ahh-- Mr. Park!!" the stuttering maid runs off his sight chanting his boss name

Mr Byun just stay on his place, patiently wait for the business man to came out as he caressed his shotgun like a baby

And not too long, a giant figure appears in front of him "Oh Mr By-- wooah! What's that gun for!?" Chanyeol step back with his hands up seeing the gun and a fearing eyes of his employee

"This?" Mr Byun raised his brow and cock the gun making the giant flinch and breath uneven "it's a gun that will make your head explode when you don't say the reason why you fuck my son" he hissed and throw a killing glare towards the nervous young business man

"Wh-what are you t-talking about, me? F-fuck your son? I d-dont even know your son Mr B-Byun" Chanyeol stutters still playing cool in front of the fearless man with a shotgun in front of him

"Oh, so you forgot? That night when you went on a bar, and suddenly got horny, then there you banged my son and leave multiple marks on his body"

As the mouth of the gun was position in him, Chanyeol suddenly lost his words as keep his eyes on the gun, and slowly his knees tembles, cold sweats falls from his forehead and his face gone pale because of too much nervousness that the only thing left that will happen is he might pee on his pants, knowing Mr Byun was a determined and true to his words as an employee

"No words to say? Okay, I'll give you a deal" Mr Byun position the gun on Chanyeol's forehead, poking the mouth of the gun on it, making the giant trembles more and breath hitched "you'll marry my son, or I kill you, right here right now"

Marry his ugly son? Lord please help me, I'd rather give him my company than marrying a clown, Lord help me!!!  Muttering on his mind, the giant closes his eyes as he feel the gun dig to his forehead

"Mr Byun y-you know I can f-fire you if you don't stop t-this" he nervously threatened while hesitantly opening his eyes

"I can fire you too, with this gun if you don't agree on marrying my son, who you fuck, like a girl who want a one night stand"

And when the giant was about to open his mouth to respond, a unfamiliar voice stops him...

"Daaad! Stop!" Baekhyun yells running towards his father

When he saw his father cock the gun and positions towards the giant's forehead he quickly went out the car and run towards his father being afraid the his dad might kill the man

Arriving beside his father, he bent holding on his knees while he catch his lost breath because of running fast

This is his son? When the giant's eyes landed on a small and petite guy in front of him, he's mind gone confused if it is a guy or a girl, seeing how small and slim the guy is

"Dad! Put that gun down!" Baekhyun hissed and pull his father's arm who still have the gun on Chanyeol's forehead

"Who told you to went out of the car? Go back there till this bastard answer to my deal" he eye on his boss again, who is now looking at his son

"So answer qu--"

"Okay, I'll marry your son" he cut Mr Byun as he keeps on looking at Baekhyun


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