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I feel lonely receiving no comments with the last updates I've published 😭 but I won't stop updating for you guys ~

Receiving cold and rude words from Chanyeol makes Baekhyun's day gloomy and he himself become wordless and grumpy that was foreign to his friends

And even though Jongdae keeps on asking 'what's up with you?' And 'Byun Baekhyun does someone cut your tongue?' He receive nothing but a glare and 'shut up Jongdae' from a grumpy midget, but different from Kyungsoo and Jongin who keeps on asking 'did Chanyeol back out from your wedding?' Ask the doe eyed boy and followed by 'Did he left you in bed undone?' And the two received a flying plates and spoon after that

Hearing the bell rings that signifies that class ends, Baekhyun stand from his chair and grab his bag along with his cellphone and notebook

"Baekhyun-ah how can we get there?" kyungsoo ask approaching the still frowning midget who totally forgotten that he invites his friends on his fiancé's house

"Oh right, I'm riding with the same car with you guys" he said

"Who's car are we gonna use?" He added as the three of them walk to the parking lot

"I brought my car, but Jongin also did so you may ride with me and Kyungsoo with Jongin" Jongdae suggest separating the four of them into two

"Alright, just lead the way and we'll follow" Jongin agreed and walks towards his car pulling his small boyfriend with him

The two other males hop in Jongdae's car too and start to drive off first to be followed by Jongin's car

"Just drive straight and the turn to the third street and the drive in the village named Hannam Dong, just drive straight when you get in and stop at the fifth house" Baekhyun explains slowly before closing his eyes "get it? Wake me up when we get there" he reminded and fix his position into comfortable one trying to take a nap

"You will sleep?" The whiny male ask focusing on the road they're tracking "yeah so shut up and focus on driving" the sassy midget answers and turn his back from Jongdae, who honestly might get lost if Baekhyun doesn't mention the name of the village he lives in because who won't know a place where exclusive and famous personalities live


Arriving at the entrance of the village, the guard stops them for check point "excuse me sir, are you a residents or a visitor?" The security ask after Jongdae had open the window of his car "we're visitors, I'm with those guys" he pointed at Jongin's car who was behind them

"Can I ask for an ID and the exact house you were visiting"

"Of course" he handed his ID to the security, and turn to wake the sleeping midget beside him "Baekhyun! What's the number of your house!" He said in a loud voice that's enough to wake Baekhyun up

The midget lazily opens his droopy eyes and yawn as he stretch his arms up "are we here already?" The sleepy midget ask as he face his whiny friend

"The security was asking for the address idiot!" And that's when Baekhyun realize that they're still in the front gate of the village

He leans towards the open window putting his weight on Jongdae's thigh before speaking "I'm Park Chanyeol's fiancé, and they're my visitors" he mention with a genuine smile

"Oh, I'm sorry for the inconvenience sir I didn't noticed you're there" the security said and handed back Jongdae's ID and gesture them to go in


On the other car, Kyungsoo can't keep his excited smile since they left their school until they arrives at the front gate of their destination

"Oh my hosh we're here" he exclaims as he look at the window only to be mesmerized by the huge houses they pass by

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