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The woman's smile grew wider too thinking Baekhyun already recognized her. But the midget drew a line in his forehead again

"You may be pretty but youre so stupid to fall from a tree" he says holding his chuckle back "And I dont know anyone who fell from a tree, maybe the cat of our neighbor before"

The girl's face fall and was changed into frown. She move her feet and push Baekhyun to shift to the other chair beside him so that she could sit beside the midget

And on the other side, Chanyeol was watching them. Confuse and a bit jelly over the scene

"Listen idiot. Do you remember the time when a stupid fourteen years old Byun Baekhyun throw his rubber shoes on the tree making it hang in there so that he could skip P.E class because its practical examination that includes running and for he runs like a girl he was embarass"

She pause and give sharp look to Baekhyun who was now in a deep thought when slowly every words that the girl is saying was making a flash back in his mind

"And the worse part. His friend named Im Yoona was...yeah idiot to believe that he was bullied by someone and throw his shoes to the tree. So to make him stop crying slash acting that girl climb the tree and get his shoes for him!"

A long story of the lady who's nose almost smoke in annoyance for it was only four years ago when it happened then suddenly Baekhyun cannot remember it already

And as fast as lightning. Everything from Yoona's story came back like a scene from a movie making Baekhyun's eyebrow knit and shift his position to face the girl

And with a slight chuckle and teasing look written in his face Baekhyun points at Yoona's face "Is that girl really you?" He let out a small laugh before he continue "I cant believe it. That girl always have mucus on her nose and...she dressed like a grandma" Baekhyun roam his eyes from Yoona's toe to head

"Yah! Its puberty and an insult coming from a boy who poop in his pants during the fourth grade and lucky you boy, I was so kind to accompany you to the res--" Baekhyun quickly covers her mouth to prevent anymore inhuman insult from her

Chanyeol almost let out a loud laugh from the revelation but his big hand was quick to move to cover his own mouth

"Alright thats enough. By the way how did you recognize me?"

Chanyeol keep his lazy eyes on the two, simultaneously shifting his eyes from one to another. He leans back  and crosses his arms thinking Baekhyun really forget about his existence

"Who will forget about those mushroom black hair and that almost pencil line lips"

"Excuse you even though my lips are thin, they're more attractive than yours"

"Yeah yeah, thats why I stole a kiss from it before making me your first kiss" Yoona laugh his lungs out reminiscing the look on Baekhyun's face when she kiss Baekhyun on their graduation

Shocked. Hurt or disappointed after hearing the word 'first kiss' Chanyeol move. Placing his both hands loudly on the table to gather the attention of the two

When Baekhyun turn his head towards Chanyeol. He saw a hint of anger and jealousy in his eyes

"Thats not even a kiss! Its just a peck so its not counted as a kiss and will never be!" Baekhyun defended not looking at Yoona but rather to Chanyeol who was keeping his eyes lock to Baekhyun

"Whatever. But you became as red as blood that tome" She continue laughing as she stand up to leave "anyway my boyfriend must be grumpy right now so better go now" She started to leave while waving goodbye to Baekhyun

Right after Yoona disappear from their sight. The waiter arrived with their food

"Have a nice dinner sirs" The waiter says with a bright smile before leaving

Hesitantly. Baekhyun meet Chanyeol's eyes and try to clear the cloudy atmosphere by smiling up to his eyes but, Chanyeol just shook his head and stretch his arm to reach the food

"The waiter said nice dinner but, I think its not nice tho" the midget pout as he bow his head but eyes still looking up to Chanyeol

When Chanyeol see that Baekhyun have no intention to eat and just pout for the rest of his life. He roll his eyes and sigh

"Baekhyun. The foods wont move on its own to be in your mouth"

Baekhyun click his tongue and harshly grab the chopstick "you should at least feed me" Baekhyun whisper as he shove big amount of steak in his mouth

"First kiss eh?" Chanyeol mumbles chewing his food

"I said its not" Baekhyun whines with a bit stomping of his feet

"And what is it? A lip bomb?"

"Stop it Chanyeol" out of frustration and embarrassment Baekhyun stands from his seat and stomp his way to sit beside Chanyeol and cling on its arm like a kid

"Im just a good little boy that time so please dont be like that"

"Good little boy? There's no good little boy kissing a girl in that age"

"She kiss me. I didnt kiss her!" Baekhyun almost yell

"Still. Two lips met, so it is counted as kiss and your first kiss" Chanyeol explains pushing Baekhyun's forehead with his index finger

"Still..." was the only word he can say having no word to say anymore

"But youre a good boy you said?" Chanyeol said with a smirk

Baekhyun look up to him still having the puppy look on his face and nod to say yes

"Then follow me to prove it" Chanyeol stand up wordless and he start walking out of the restaurant

Baekhyun just follow him like a puppy he is clueless of what's running on Chanyeol's mind

"Chanyeol wait for me" he shouted when the long legged male who left him heading straight to the elevator of the hotel 

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