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Happy 5th anniversary EXO 👏👏 same as to my CO EXOL ~ love u forever guys!


The moment Baekhyun step in the campus a stomping Jongdae welcomes him with a teasing look on its face

"What's with that look?" Baekhyun questioned narrowing his eyebrows as he walk pass his friend who quickly follows him "Who drives you here? Was that your boyfriend? Ha? You already have boyfriend? Maknae-ah answer me!" Jongdae continuously interrogate while following the younger

"Shut up Jongdae, we'll be late! I'll answer your questions later!" Baekhyun respond and tag Jongdae along with him trying to get in the classroom before the bell rings

Luckily they arrived at their room before the bell rings and to Baekhyun's misfortune their professor was still not in their room yet so Jongdae keeps on interrogating him with the same questions but still he's fortunate enough that he's not with the same class with Kyungsoo and Jongin, if so he'll be like in an interview

"Just tell me who's that person Baekhyun! I'm sure that isn't uncle or auntie because I know what your car looks like" the whiny guy insist shaking his friend's arm

"I told you I'll tell you at lunch so that Kyungsoo and Jongin will know too, don't be so itchy ass Jongdae!"

"Fine! Just tell me if that's your boyfriend or not" Baekhyun groan in irritation as he gave himself a facepalm

"Alright alright! I'll tell you geez your a pain in ass! He's my f--" and Baekhyun was save by his professor again

"Good morning class" he never expect that his professor will save him from early confession because he's still not prepared on how will he tell his situation now to his friends, and he still don't know how to answer their 'how and why' questions

"You owe me long story Baekhyun" the fuming Jongdae said and return to his own table before the teJongin them came scolding them

Lunch time came, Jongae came rushing to the cafeteria from his separate subject from his friends, he quickly search around to find Baekhyun who makes his curiosity burst out

When he spotted the three males on the near corner, he jog towards them and slumped his self beside Baekhyun who startles on his sudden presence

"Now spill it before I pull your tongue out" Jonhdae said right after his butt touches the chair

"Spill what?" Jongin who was currently mixing his bibimbap ask followed by "are you two hiding something from us?" From a now curious Kyungsoo

Jongdae bobbed his index finger sidewards indicating that he's not "the only person who was hiding something here is this kid" he pointed at Baekhyun who just sigh and placed his spoon down to ready his mouth and mind to a long interrogation

"Okay fine guys, calm your ass down I'll tell you now" he said and lean his elbow on the table "the thing is, I am now engaged" he quickly covered his face when Jonging who was sitting across him almost spit his food out followed by a cough from Kyungsoo who choked from his drink and a loud "What!?" From his whiny friend who gain almost all the attention inside the area

"Yes, I am getting married" he repeated and that time his friends left their foods unattended and their focus was only on him

"Don't tell me..." Kyungsoo cooed the unfinished sentence but Baekhyun already get what's written on his mind so he slowly nodded while pursing his thin lips

"Yes, I am engaged to Mr Park" he finishes with an soft voice to not anyone else beside them hear about his confession

"How? I thought you don't want to marry him?" Jongdae spoken moving closer to Baekhyun "what can I do? My parents already talked to him, and what's even worse is they let me lived with that business man now" he complain making three grew their eyes wider than normal

"S-so your...y-your living in the same roof with that oh so handsome, rich and sexy guy?" Kyungsoo said pijtimg at his blushing friend who just nodded in response

"You lucky ass! I envy you ~" Kyungsoo giggly whines gaining an agreement from Jongdae as they both give Baekhyun a envious look

"Shut up!" The only thing Baekhyun could say cause he was now drown in embarrassment

"You should let us meet him! Invite us in your home!" Jongdae suggested "Jongdae is right! I want to meet him! Invite us over Baekkkk!" Kyungsoo whines shaking Baekhyun's hand

"Why do you want to meet him!?" Baekhyun ask as he continue on eating to escape this embarrassing situation with his whiny friends

"Yeah why do you want to meet him?" Jongin finally butted in being irritated on how Kyungsoo's eyes sparks as he mention anything about that guy

"Because I wanna see how handsome he is in closer look! And besides he's going to be your husband so we must see if he's really fitted to be with you" The doe eyed ranted

"And if not?" Jongin question raising his brow to his boyfriend who obviously have a crush on that Mr Park

"If not...I'll steal him" Kyungsoo teased cheekly smiling as he take a huge bite of his food

"Fine with me" the unexpected answer of the tanned guy who continue on his eating too and Kyungsoo just hummed in response trying to tease his boyfriend more

"They starting it again..." Jongdae mention as he swiftly escape the table to get his lunch too

And Baekhyun just roll his eyes thinking on how he will ask Chanyeol's permission to bring his friend on its house


Class ended Baekhyun was separated from his friends now, and he was now sitting on the near waiting area across their school waiting for his giant fiancé to come and fetch him

Not too long of waiting there, a similar car who drive him here stop I'm front of him so he slwolybraised form his seat, and a tall figure came out from the car welcoming him with a warm smile that unintentionally makes his lips curve to a crescent smile too

"Did I made you wait for too long?" Chanyeol ask walking towards the midget who was still standing on his place

"No, I just got here too" he said looking up on the giant "Oh, okay lets go" the taller announced and held his hand giving shivers to his whole body

"Uh Chanyeol..." He pull the giant back to face him before continuing "m-my friends want to m-meet you, can I invite them to your h-house?" The first time the midget had stutter in asking permission

"They do?" Baekhyun nods as he grip tightly on Chanyeol's hand and gives him a pleading look which cause the giant to chuckle and pinch Baekhyun's cheek using his free hand

"Only if you kiss me" Chanyeol announce still grinning widely which cause the midget to paused in hearing the sentence

"Just kidding! Of c--" Chanyeol was stunned when he felt a pair of hands cup his face followed by a pair of soft moist lips against his lips

Baekhyun tip toed to reach the giant's lips and still thinking if he will move his lips or just parted already, and when he was about to pull away a strong arms circles on his hips pulling him closer and slightly lifting him up as the lips against his lips start to move in a slow and passionate way

A kiss that was just full of lips sucking and nibbling was cut by anloud honk of truck who drive pass them

Both males realize that they're still in the street, so Baekhyun bury his face on the taller's clothed chest thinking anyone from his school night saw him, Chanyeol just chuckle and kiss the midget's head "we should go home now, it's getting cold out here, invite your friends anytime you want"

Baekhyun lift up his gaze to meet Chanyeol's eyes who was already staring down at him "really?" He questioned and as a bright smile form across his face "Uhuh" Chanyeol reply pecking the midget's lips before heading it's hand again to walk towards his car

I find this update boring, i was so stress lately so forgive me ~ I'll do better on the next update

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