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       It's been four months. Four rough months for Harry alone in his house. He barely came home to his house after work and he barely cleaned it. Pictures of him and Aurora still hung up around the house but to him they aren't even there, he's used to ignoring them. He hadn't heard a word from her and he hadn't tried to call. This was the opportunity to move on from his life with her and make a new one with someone new, like Jannes. He had been seeing her for six months now including the time when he was still with Aurora, they weren't officially broken up at the time but to him they had already. She was a brunette haired girl who was a model, who would turn it down? At least those were his thoughts. They had settled on her moving in with him after he got himself together and perhaps maybe have his first child. It was his day off and it was whining down to bed time. He walked around his house eating a banana looking for his cell phone when he came across a picture of Aurora and him. He looked at it intently and smiled to himself remembering that day in the photograph like the back of his hand. It was her twenty second birthday and they went to a Mexican theme park and he remembers it very well for two reasons, the food was incredible but being there with Aurora and seeing her happy made it unbelievable. He sighed at the memory and half smiled.

"Oh god Aurora, what have we done" he said to himself before putting the picture down.

Harry laid in bed with his phone finally in hand looking at her contact in his phone debating if he should give her call. What would he say? What would he do? Would she even pick up the phone or is it too soon? He bit his bottom lip confused and decided it was better to just put the phone down and get some sleep before his date tomorrow with Jannes. He still wanted to move on. Aurora and Harry would never work out after all their discussions plus he didn't miss her or love her in the way he used to. It was more of to make sure she was okay in a steady home because he still cared for her as a friend, that kind of love is just being thoughtful.

He awoke the next morning with energy, energy to clean up his house and throw away memorise he wouldn't need anymore. He had gotten a long text from Jannes about wanting to move in already and a missed call from a hospital that he thought was just informing him about a blood drive. He made himself an omelette and listened to music as loud as his speaker could go. So far his life without Aurora was back to normal. He was him again and he liked it that way. Harry looked over at his phone that was vibrating on the table and quickly shut off the music picking up the call. The hospital again.

"Hello?" He sighed into the phone.

"Is this Harold?"

"Yeah, who's calling"

"Good morning sir, this is Walter Health Hospital calling, we were trying to reach you earlier to inform you that a patient here by the name Aurora Reign Valentine has awoke this morning to our surprise and has not stopped requesting us to call you. We would have called you ourselves but you weren't in her contact list so that's our apologie. Visiting hours are from ten am to-" What ever the receptionist went on about Harry didn't listen. He had stopped listening when she said Auroras' full name. It had been such a long time since he heard it. What was she doing in a hospital?

"Yeah thank you" Harry said as he wrote down the hours, "Um, may I know why she's there?"

"She's been here for a few months in a coma due of a car know something about it?" Harry's eyes grew wide, his jaw dropped slightly. He hung up the phone and left his omelette on the plate quickly grabbing his keys and heading out the door. Questions quizzed his mind making it difficult to keep his focus on the road, how stupid could he be letting Aurora drive out when she was mad. It was like he was also asking for it. Jannes kept calling and he didn't even glance at the phone. How could he at this moment.

He was directed to the top floor where Aurora was staying and as he reached for the handle he got to see her through the window with semi open blinds. She was sleeping...peacefully, he couldn't remember the last time she slept peacefully and that made him worried and happy at the same time. He entered the room quietly afraid to awake her and took a seat in the chair closest to the bed. His heart felt heavy seeing her there, all because of him. She had a white band over her head crossing her forehead probably from an injury, her skin looked slightly pale and her lips that were once a perfect shade of pink and red were now a pale pink. She looked dehydrated and overall not the Aurora he would scream at four months ago. Her eyes began to move underneath her eyelids making him nervous and anxious. He hadn't thought of what he'd say when she awoke.

Finally her eyes opened slowly and her eyes landed on him.

"Uhh...goodmorning" Harry struggled to say. Aurora couldn't think of anything to say or even how to react. She'd missed him even though it felt like she was only asleep for a few hours. She took the heart monitor off her index finger and sat up wrapping her arms around Harry's neck bringing him in a tight hug. He hugged her back but not as tightly as she wanted but she didn't care, a little love was better then nothing.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned breaking the ice and the hug. If he hadn't Aurora could have held on forever.

"Besides the excruciating pain in my head I'm okay, they told me I've been asleep for four months. I swear it was just last night when we were celebrating our anniversary" Aurora said holding onto Harry's hand that left him fighting with his thoughts to pull away or keep it there.

Harry's brows knitted together, what she was saying wasn't making sense. "What?" He asked. "Say that again for me"

"Are you okay? Have you got some rest? I didn't want to say it but you look like hell and you never look like hell" She let out a small laugh at her own joke that was very true. Yet things still weren't adding up and Harry began to get scared. Why wasn't she mad and yelling?

"Uh...yeah" Harry awkwardly said. "So Aurora, before you ended up here what happened? You know you don't drive when your angry but you did and that resulted in your accident right?"

He was confusing Aurora. She couldn't be bombarded with questions with a massive head ache that could knock the winds out of her.

"Harry I don't understand you. Can you please stop asking all these questions? I just wanna go home and rest, eat real food for God's sake" Something was definitely wrong and Harry was afraid this would have happened.

"Aurora, this is going to sound crazy but I think you've-"

The door was opened quickly as a nurse rushed in to check on Aurora. "Sweetheart, don't take the monitor off. How else will we know if you're alive?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I just wanted to hug my boyfriend for the first time in four months" Aurora smiled at the nurse and glanced at Harry with no emotion in his face. Now it was certain. She wasnt yelling or fighting him and that scared Harry more then ever. He couldn't be more sure of the situation. Aurora lost her memory.

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