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    A massive headache hit Harry like a big wave. He stood up from the couch and immediately plopped back down. He didn't remember exsactly what happened last night but he knew what it was probably about. She was the first thing he thought of when he opened his eyes. Aurora. He wished he could go see her but his headache said otherwise. Instead he called Jannes and asked her to come over so she could baby him and make him some tea and maybe she could join him in a cold shower. Things he used to do with Aurora were now being done by another human not nearly as good as Aurora but Harry was so blind in love with Jannes he didn't care who did it better.

She was at his door in the next fifteen minutes ringing the doorbell letting Harry know she had arrived. He yelled for her to just come in and as she walked through the house her eyes landed on Harry ploped down on the couch half awake. "You're a mess. What's happened baby?" She took a seat next to him and pushed his semi sweaty hair back.

"Gem came over last night upset, I drank with her and I don't how much I drank but point is I'm paining" Harry lied but there was no way he'd tell her about Aurora.

"You're burning up, you have a fever. Let me make you some tea and then we'll go up for a shower, how's that sound?" She gave him a kiss on the lips and smiled.

"You're so good to me baby" Harry sat up with all the pain in the world and attacked her lips as she attacked back. Things with them could quickly heat up into something else but as much as he wanted to his headache held him back like a bulldog on a chain.

"Harry..." Jannes put their kiss on hold as she pushed him back to get some air.

"What?" He asked.

"I want to move in. I want to wake up next to you every morning and want to lay down with you every night. I can't take it anymore. What are you waiting for? Aurora's gone now, we don't have to hide anything" She looked him in the eyes but Harry couldn't. He didn't want to tell her about what happened cause he would surely complicate things with them and most likely he would lose her and it was what he feared but in telling her he would surely lose Aurora, that was something that shook him harder.

"Jannes...i'm not ready yet. Give me sometime" Harry bit his bottom lip in guilt, he knew he would have to tell them sometime and it was the lies that drowned him and Aurora.

"Well you better hurry up."

     Isabell was excited to see her. She had visited her maybe four times during her coma but of course it meant nothing because she was never awake. The flowers she'd bring would die in the next week or so and so she decided she rather visit her when she had awoken. She had got the call a few days ago but her job kept her busy up until this moment. She opened the door slowly and found her sister Aurora eating her breakfast.

"Aurora! I missed you so much. I came on your birthday last month but...still asleep. Anyway, I can't believe you're awake! How are you feeling?" She bombarded her sister with hugs and kisses still in utter shock she was awake. She missed her big sister and their girls night outs. Even though Aurora was close to her sister she still never told her about Harry or their fights. She didn't need to know her lovely love life wasn't going so lovely anymore.

"I'm feeling a lot better. Probably better then when I was first brought in here but I don't remember, I was probably not consious. How have you been Bell?"

"Missing you. Missing mom and dad, missing Dylan. I haven't spoke to Dylan since he left to Iraq, mom is still not talking to dad and it makes me angry so I don't call either cause they are so stubborn but I'm here with you and that's what matters" Bell pulled up a chair next to her bed.

Aurora grew worry about her parents. Was that something that happened in the four months or in her lost memory? "Was that recent?"

"No, don't you remember? Mom pulled up the divorce talk in like February and they haven't spoke since. I actually think we've got ourselves a new dad" Bell rolled her eyes at the thought of her mother remarrying. So it was now officially true. There was parts of her memory missing.

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