thirty eight

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"Where in bloody hell is she?" Louis scratched his head as he tried searching for Sabrina in the airport pick up.

"I need to sit down for minute. Try calling her?" Aurora said as she sat on the bench.

"Rest all you need, you've done a lot of walking for someone that's in pain. I'll carry you to the car once we find Sabrina alright?" Harry kissed atop her head.

"Harry I'm fine. I just need to rest for like two minutes. You should go help Louis. He's probably calling himself" she chuckled.

Louis gripped his phone in hand tightly. "She's not pick up" he groaned.

"You sure you're calling the right person?"

"Yes! I fucking swear I'm about to have a heat stroke if I'm in this crowded airport another minute"

"Let's call a cab then" Harry suggested.

"Sabrina will be upset if we do, she's all hormonal and shit. She got mad because I hung up first the other night" Louis sighed. "Oh, I've been meaning to ask you about Jannes" he said in a low voice.

"Don't worry. I haven't forgot about her. I need to find her where ever she is in Florida, I doubt she's even there but I'll find out where ever she's hiding. She took advantage of my moms hatred towards her and she's not getting away with it. Neither is Desmond" Harry frowned.

Harry looked over at Aurora with soft eyes as she was watching people pass by in front of her. She was completely oblivious to Louis and Harry's conversation but it was good that she wasn't paying attention.

"I'm going to stay with her for a few days, maybe a couple months. I want to make sure she heals well and that her first trimester goes well too" Harry said as he kept his eyes on her. She still had a mixture of a green a blue bruise on her cheekbone, the cut on her lip had healed a bit, and she was still limping around but even when she was at her worst Harry saw her at her best.

"Don't worry about Aurora when you leave to Florida. She can stay with me and Sabrina. It'll be annoying having two pregnant women around but at least you'll travel calmly knowing she's safe. Make sure to really fuck Desmond up while you're there" Louis patted Harry on the shoulder.

"AURORA!" Sabrina shrieked as she ran towards Aurora.

Louis quickly stood in front of Aurora before Sabrina could attack her in a a hug.

"Move out of the way!" Sabrina said swatting her hand at Louis.

"Be careful, she's thin glass right now"

"It's okay Louis" Aurora laughed as she stood up carefully indulging in hugs and kisses from Sabrina.

"Oh shit! From a distance you couldn't tell you were beat up. What happened to you?" Sabrina gasped examining her bruise.

"Stuff. I'll explain later but tell me how you're doing? How's the baby?"

"I'm perfect but you! You need to tell me when we get home, Bell's preparing a little reunion thing for us so we're all coming over to my house after this"

"She's had a rough time Sabrina. She doesn't have to say anything about it unless she wants to" Louis replied.

Aurora rolled her eyes. "Look I'm fine. I'll speak about it when I'm ready but right now I just want to go back home and see Bell. She's probably mad at me or something" Aurora said as she limped towards Harry.

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