thirty three

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"She has high temperature but it's not fatal as of now. However I can't guarantee that it won't escalate. If you find that she's having trouble breathing or if she's unresponsive call nine one one immediately. I suggest checking up on her every twenty or fifteen minutes." The medic explained as she put away her equipment.

"Is my baby okay?" Aurora slurred as she was beginning to drift off into sleep.

The doctor glanced at Desmond then to Aurora. "Can I speak to you outside the room?" The doctor asked.

Desmond followed her outside the room closing the door behind them. "Dr. Lance, you're a doctor, you know what this is. Right now she needs support of all things and I'm not sure telling her that the baby has a small chance of surviving is going to help her. She has a choice but I'm not sure I'm the one who should give it to her. Perhaps you should... see what she wants to do"

Desmond ran a hand through his hair. "She's not going to take it well" he sighed. "She was so excited about this, the truth is going to kill her and I don't-"

The doctor put a hand on Desmond's shoulder in sympathy. "I understand but so do you, you know what the right choice is so just try. Either way I don't believe she'll make it another eight months. Her or her baby will be... you know"

Desmond nodded. "Yeah... I understand. Thank you doctor"

Aurora laid in bed passed out. Desmond sat next to her running his fingers through her hair soothingly. He knew how much this would break her heart and he wished he wasn't the one who'd have to tell her.

"What did the doctor say?" Aurora mumbled.

Desmond sighed. "Maybe I should tell you tomorrow, you seem really tired"

Aurora opened her eyes to see him. She searched his orbs for an answer and she could tell it was bad news from the doleful look he carried. "Maybe I don't need to hear it at all" she murmured.

"I think you should but now doesn't seem like a good time to discuss this. You should rest and freshen up of all things" Desmond pulled the sheets up her shoulders. "First thing in the morning we eat breakfast then..." Desmond paused to peck Aurora's cheek. "Then I'll tell you"

Harry shoved his phone into his pocket in annoyance. "She's playing with me!" He wrapped his hair into a bun as he tried to call again a bit calmer.

"She's not picking up is she?" Louis frowned.

"No, I have a feeling she's not. This is all just another one of her games. She wants to make me-"

"Hello?" Aurora spoke through the phone.

"Yes hello? Aurora what the hell I've been calling!" Harry shouted in frustration.

"I'm sorry I've been with my husband because incase you didn't know I'm on my honeymoon Harold" Aurora sassed.

Harry wiped the sweat that trickled his forehead. "Love," he began in a quiet impatient voice, "it is the middle of the night mind you in Florida and me and Louis are being stared up and down by a couple of men with heels, now can you give me your address because we're a bit in distress" Harry looked over at the men in heels and waved as they returned a smirk.

"Can you tell Aurora to hurry?" Louis whined.

"Okay okay, are you ready to write it down?" Aurora sighed as she leaned over the bed whispering hoping Desmond wouldn't hear.

Louis froze as he heard the heels clicking approach. He looked over at Harry who was busy dropping down the address on his hand.

"You look pretty lonely" a deep voice spoke behind him.

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