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     He put a hand on her stomach and smiled. "What? Why are you smiling like that?" Aurora said as she played with his curls.

"Because you haven't started your period. It's been like a week Aurora, I think we're pregnant" Harry rested his head on her stomach and listened to absolutely nothing.

"I'm always late, give me three more days to start and your dreams will be vanished" she laughed.

"You're so cruel and sweet" he crawled over her and showered her in kisses. The moment was perfect, just him and Aurora resting under an umbrella as the beach roared in the back ground. The mood was right and all he wanted to do was stay here with Aurora for eternity.

"Baby?" He looked her in the eyes so she'd know he was serious.

"What?" Her sweet voice was so captivating, almost as her appearance.

"I want a baby" he said. Aurora's eyes grew wide.

"Woah, I'm not even Aurora Styles yet. We're to young baby. Are you sure it's what you want?"

"I'll put a ring on your finger tomorrow if that's what it takes. Hell I'll do it right now"
He wanted to start a family with her, he wanted to invest their love in a living human being so they could love eachother forever. He didn't ever want to lose her.

"Oh yeah? You love me that much? Well if you can catch me you can have a baby" she pushed his chest away from her and started running to the water. Harry quickly panicked, she couldn't swim.

"BABY BE CAREFUL!" He yelled running after her. "Crap" he muttered as he took off his shorts. As soon as he looked up she was gone. He couldn't see her and he feared she had went in the water.

Shortly he heard splashing and ear piercing screaming coming from the water. He didn't hesitate to jump in, the thought of her gone was more frightening then the deep cold waters.

The screaming stopped and he had barely reached her. He grabbed onto her wrist and swam back to shore laying her flat on the wet sand. She wasn't breathing and he was out of breath.

"Baby, baby don't go" he cried as he pumped on her chest but there was still silence on her part.

"Come on!" He tried harder but still nothing. He tried CPR but even that didn't help.
"You can't leave me Aurora. Not like this" He cried. He tried again and listened for a heartbeat. His ear was against her chest but that heartbeat he liked to listen to so much wasn't there anymore.

His tears fell on her chest like bullets as he held her in his arms trying to shake her awake. "No, please no" he said through tears.

He closed his eyes and tried hoping it was a dream, he wanted it to be so bad. "Harry?" His eyes opened to see if Aurora was awake hearing what he thought was her voice but she was still knocked out cold. He turned around hearing that voice again.

"Harry, don't cry. Remember she fights with you, you don't love her, you love me. Think about can marry me now" it was Jannes. She stood towering over him and his deceased Aurora and he shook his head violently.

"You're fucked up. I DON'T WANT YOU I WANT MY GIRLFRIEND BACK!" he turned back around and brought her closer to his chest crying harder.

"You said you'd leave her!" Jannes said stomping on the sand like a child.

Harry looked down at his lifeless Aurora refusing to accept she was gone. Such a beautiful creation, "...I can't, she's all I want"

     "Harry!" She shook him once more hoping he'd wake up. He was bathed in his own sweat and his eyes were screwed shut. Aurora pushed his hair back patting down a damp cold towel over his forehead. He was burning hot and it worried her.

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