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       Louis had done Harry the favor of taking him home as soon as possible. He ran out of the car like a bolt before Louis could even turn off the ignition. He was happy to see Aurora's car in the driveway, happy that she made it home alive. He rushed inside slamming the door behind him. He was now scared and no longer angry, he just wanted to find Aurora safe and vulnerable in need of some love as he did too.

"Aurora?!" He called out but got no response. The amount of silence chilled his bones causing him to grow a little more desperate then he already was.

"Please answer me baby" he said as ran upstairs to search for her there. He hoped he wouldn't find her packing but packing wouldn't be as bad as death. He opened their shared bedroom but still no Aurora. Harry's eyes fell on the trail of blood drops leading to the bathroom where his eyes fell on Aurora and her blood stained legs sitting on top of the toilet. The alcohol rub stung her open wounds as she poured it over her lap shutting her eyes tightly.

Harry had hurt her again and now the only thoughts that went through his head were ways to say an apology although he knew that her leaving him was probably a better idea.

Suddenly he didn't have to be the one to break the ice. Aurora wiped her tears away looking at Harry who watched her with so much pain in his eyes that it tightened up her chest and choked her within. "We used to fight like this all the time, didn't we?" Aurora's words punctured a hole in Harry's heart. His lips quivered as his head fell down in disappointment. He nodded his head answering Aurora's question. "Yeah...I remember that now" she said as she looked down at her lap.

"Because of me, I fell out of love with you because of stupidity and now I've only kept you here to suffer with see? I always hurt you, no matter what" Harry choked out as his tears fell to the tiled floor.

"Yeah, I see that now. Which is why I've been thinking Harold. I rather you be with her then be like this with do whatever makes you happy. I can't change you" Aurora's words were hard to say especially for a girl so utterly in love with him. Most of her memory was with him, he was her home, he was her love and he was her lifeline, without him she'd be hell but she needed him safe and if safe was with another women then safe he should be.

"I don't want you to leave" Harry finally sobbed out as he sat down against the door not being able to hold himself together anymore. He cried into his hands feeling no longer broken but shattered now. Aurora was his world and he didn't see it till now she decided on leaving.

"I don't want you to live like this either, you've put up with me enough already, you could have kicked me out when I came out of the hospital but you didn't, even though you didn't like me anymore. You could have told me you didn't want me anymore when we fucked because we both know that it wasn't love and you could have been living with that girl here peacefully in your home but instead you let me stay because it was home to me, you did it because you cared, I should have listened when you told me that you cared for me, just not in the same way as before and I see it were right"

Every cell in Harry's body had emotion and they all cried out. He needed to hold her and it took every one of those cells to push for him to stand up and walk over to her. He sat in front of her and put his head on her heated lap letting his tears fall on her skin. She knew this would be the last time she could hold him and although it would just pain her she did it anyway because she needed closure and she needed Harry.

Her hands caressed his curls and she held his upper body close to her wishing she didn't have to let go. She kissed him on the forehead causing him more torture as if he didn't already have enough. "I don't want you to go" he sobbed again wrapping his arms around her waist.

Aurora tucked strands of his hair behind his ear and held his face in her hands as a mother would to her little boy and tried to smile, "trust me, you'll thank me later" she said rubbing her thumbs over his cheeks.

Aurora stood up taking a towel to dry her sanitized wounds. Harry wiped his tears and put his saddened state away. He knew Aurora needed help dressing her cuts so he took out the bands to wrap around her thighs. His heart tearing more and more as seconds passed by like  lightning and pretty soon it would mean she was going to be leaving any time and he dreaded their goodbyes.

Aurora began to pack her things but Harry couldn't let her leave, not like this again. "Can you just do me a favor and stay? I don't want you driving out this late and in this state. If tomorrow you feel the same way I can drive you to where ever you want to go" Harry said.

"I don't want you to pretend to love me another night. I've got the closure I've needed and I'm leaving tonight. If I stay tonight I don't know if my heart will let me go the next day. I'll get a taxi Harry, just don't worry about me anymore" Aurora said wiping away the single tear that had escaped.

"I won't pretend. I can't pretend, not around you" Harry said as he sat on the edge of the bed watching Aurora break his heart.

"Harry you've told me it yourself! I've studied you for years and I know you weren't lying when you said you didn't love me anymore! I just hoped that you did but hope isn't going to help me or you right now. I need to leave and I'm going to leave tonight! The years with you I'll never be able to repay you but just know that Im thankful for each and everyone of those memories...they were amazing," Aurora took Harry's face in her cold hands looking at his glossy orbs that were bloodshot from tears, "they were truly amazing."

Harry wrapped his arms around Aurora tightly, he doubted Aurora would ever leave him because of how much love weighed her down but this was all really happening, she was really leaving and it weighed on him like an anchor. "I don't want to throw that all away, listen to me Aurora. I don't know what's going on with me, I'm a mess and I can't figure it out, you help me out so much and without you I'm lost. Please stay" he begged.

Aurora batted her watery eyes away hoping it could help with the tears but seeing Harry plead broke her heart to pieces. If she left it would mean that she's throwing away years of memory, years of love and years of life, she was going to leave her curly head behind and she was gonna leave him tonight.

"Come on Harry, we both know you aren't over her. We fell apart and she waited for you, she needs you just as much as I do only you love her back" Aurora faked a smile as she rubbed Harry's back.

"Aurora please just wait for me, wait for me to make up my mind, wait for me to figure out what's going on"

"What if I'm not what you want? You're going to waste my time Harry. I can't wait" Aurora let go of Harry and grabbed her bag holding it close, "I'm leaving."


I suck at writing goodbyes lmao but next chapter is a little confusing just stay with me:)

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