Chapter 4

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We got to the movie theater and ended up watching Insidious 2. God you don't even know how scared I was. Trevor was keeping his distance from me too. It was really weird. Every time I would try to start a conversation with him, he would come up with an excuse to go talk to someone else. Why did I think he would even like me.

Wait what. What am I even talking about. I don't like him. I've only known him for two days. I couldn't possibly like him. Could I? No that's silly. Anyway, the movie was super scary and I jumped like 20 times and hid behind my legs. Trevor did keep looking at me though. I sat next to Connor who was next to Trevor. I wonder why he keeps ignoring me.

When the movie was over we all went back to our house. The guys all went in the living room and made silly videos on their cameras. Huh that's weird. Oh whale. I went upstairs and took Connors laptop so I could go on twitter since I don't have a smart phone. I went into my room and sat on my bed. I opened his laptop and you wouldn't believe what I found.

He had YouTube up. But guess what? I found a video of him. I watched it. It was call I am Flawless. I think I seriously started tearing up. Just then Connor walked in. "Hey Becca wanna co- hey what are you doing?" he said. "Um...sorry. I was just going on twitter and I found this." I said showing him the laptop screen.

"Oh. So you found out I'm a youtuber?" he asked me. "Oh yeah. That's actually really cool" I said finally smiling. "Then why are you crying?" he asked me. "Because this video is so true. The thing is, in my old school, everyone thought they were perfect. I was bullied everyday because I wasn't as pretty as the other girls. I only had two really good friends who didn't treat me like that because they were bullied too." I said starting to cry harder.

"Becca, i-i didn't know. I am soo sorry." he said coming over and giving me a hug. "Just so you know. I think your beautiful" he said smiling. "Thanks Connor. You know your nothing like I expected you to be. I thought your were gonna be some stuck up adult" I chuckled. He put his hand over his heart as if he was offended. "Well that hurt a little" he said laughing.

I joined him and for the first time in a while I was actually happy. "Oh and everyone else Jc, Ricky, Trevor, Sam, and Kian are all youtubers too. We have a collab account called our second life. You should go watch our videos." he said getting up and walking out of my room. I clicked out of Connors channel and went onto Our Second Life's.

The first video I saw was Trevor's. I sighed. "I guess I'll watch it." I said to myself. It was called 5 types of Instagramers. It was actually really funny. He said he sang so I then went onto his channel. I watched his music video for one of his original songs someone. All of O2L was in it. He was actually a really good singer. Wow. I can't believe I never even heard about these guys.

I was in the middle of watching one of Kian's videos when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said as I paused the video. Just then Trevor walked into my room. "Hey um Ricky sent me up here to ask you if you wanted to come to dinner with us" he said nervously. "Um no thanks I'll just hang here by myself" I said. I kind of just wanted to watch the rest of the guys videos.

"Oh. Okay I'll tell the guys. Whatcha watching?" he asked coming over to Connors laptop. "Oh. You found out about our channel" he said blushing. "Yeah. Um your a really good singer" I said now blushing too. "You really think so?" he asked me. "Definitely! Your amazing!" I told him. "Um thanks Becca. Um... Is it okay if I stay here and keep you some company?" he asked me shyly.

"Sure! I'll text Connor and tell him. Wanna finish watching Kians video with me?" I asked him. "Yeah!" he said sitting down next to me on my bed. I texted Connor while Trevor was occupied with the video. I wonder why Trevor is acting so different all of the sudden. Like he wants nothing to do with me at one moment and the next he acts like he likes me. Make up your mind Trevor.

To: Connor :P
From: Becca (:
Hey Con Trev and I are gonna stay here while you guys go out to dinner.

To: Becca (:
From: Connor :P
Okay. We will be back at 8

"Connor said it's fine if we stay and that they will be back at 8" I told him. "Okay, wanna do something fun?" he asked me. "Um okay" I told him. He grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs to the kitchen. Oh god. What does he have in mind?


Hey!!!! I hope you guys are liking this story!

~Miranda Moran

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