Chapter 10

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Trevor and Sabrina were kissing!!! "W-w-what?!" I managed to say. They both pulled away and looked at me. "Rebecca! It's not what it looks like!" Trevor said. "Oh? I'm pretty sure it's exactly what it looks like. We're over!" I said. I ran out of the restaurant and skated on my penny board to who knows where.

I stopped at a park I've  never been to before. I went and sat down on a swing and just sat there. Why would he kiss Sabrina? My best friend! Or maybe my ex-best friend. I sat there for what seemed like forever, then someone came behind me and started pushing my swing slowly.

I didn't stop whoever it was. I just went higher and higher while looking up at the clouds. "I'm sorry for what Trevor did" Milo said once my swing slowed down. He sat on the one next to me. "Yeah, me too. I mean we only dated for what? a day?"

"Yeah. It's still not right."

"You wanna stay at the O2L house tonight?

"Sure! I'll have to pick up clot-"

"You can borrow some of the guys clothes. Cmon!"

We pennyboarded to the O2L house and luckily neither Sabrina, nor Trevor was here. "So whatcha wanna do?" I asked Milo. We were in the living room watching Paranormal Activity 3. "Let's go swimming!" he exclaimed. "Okay. I'll go grab one of Connor's swim trunks for you" I said getting up.

I went upstairs and knocked on Connor's door. "Hey Becca! Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. I guess my eyes were still red since I've been crying. Milo made me feel better though. "Umm. Trevor cheated on me, so I broke up with him..." I said looking down at the ground. My eyes started watering.

"Omygod! He's such a fucking idiot! Who'd he cheat on you with?" he asked. Now I was full out crying. "S-s-Sabrina" I managed. "Your best friend?!" he screamed. I nodded not knowing if I was capable of speaking. "That little-" Connor didn't finish because Milo walked in.

"Oh.. um. Sorry guys I was just coming to see what was taking so long" he said shyly. "Oh sorry, Milo. I forgot why I came up here. Can Milo borrow a pair of your swimming trunks?" I asked him. "Of course" Connor went to his closet and took out a pair and handed them to Milo. "Thanks Connor" he said then walked into the bathroom across the hall.

"Go have fun. I'll talk to Trevor later" Connor told me. I nodded then headed to my room to change. I grabbed a red bikini and changed. I came out of my room and walked downstairs with two towels in my hands. I didn't see Milo so I walked outside to the pool. I sat the two towls down on one of the chairs outside and walked over to the pool.

I wonder where Milo went. I wondered. Just then something pushed me. Right into the pool. I came up from under the water and saw who pushed me in. "Milo!!!" I screamed. "What? I had to!" he whined. "Oh whatever. Just help me out" I said. I went over to the wall he was standing at and grabbed his hand. I pulled him in with me.

"Becca!" he yelled. "Haha. You deserved it!" I said. We messed around in the pool for a while then decided to just sit on our towels and look up at the stars since it was getting pretty late. "Look!" Milo said pointing at the sky. "It's a shooting star! Make a wish." he said. I wish this day never happened.

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