Chapter 26

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A few days have gone by since I met Jay, Damian, Royce and Rosalie. We are all going to movies for our last day of freedom before school starts tomorrow. Rosalie and me have became good friends too. I signed up for physical therapy like my doctor in Cali told me to to get strength in my other leg again.

I'm really hoping to be able to walk and run by next month to try out for cheer. I made my way to the door and told my mother goodbye. I hopped into Rosalie's car and we headed to the movie theater. Rosalie is a year older than me along with Jay and Damian so they can all drive.

We picked up Sabrina and then met the guys at the theater. "What are we seeing?" I asked them. They boys got our tickets since they arrived before us. "Annabell" Damian told me. "Annabell!? No. No. No. That's the creepy new doll movie!" Sabrina shreaked. "Yeah. I don't think I wanna see that either" I said.

"Too bad. Man up" Milo said. Jay handed me my ticket and we went into the movie theater. The seating order went like this.

Damian, Sabrina, Me, Jay, Milo, Rosalie, Royce.

As the previews were coming on I took out my phone to text Sabrina.

To: The best frand

From: Becca the bestie

Do you have a thing for Damian?

To: Becca the bestie

From: The best frand


"I knew it!" I whisper screamed. "Knew what?" Jay asked beside me. "That Damian and Sabrina like each other" I whispered. He looked over at them. They were currently flirting. "She is literally all he ever talks about. It's kind of annoying to be honest." he replied.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had a twitter notification. I only had about three peoples notifications on. I assumed it wasn't Trevor, but I checked anyway.

@TrevorMoran: Hacked by your bae. Aren't we cute? (picture of a girl kissing Trevor's cheek)

Tears started to fall down my face. "Are you okay?" Jay asked me as the movie started. I locked my phone and threw it in my purse. I wiped the tears off my face and replied. "Yeah, I'm fine" "No your not. Come with me" he said then grabbed my hand and helped me get out of the theater.

"Ugh. I hate crutches so much" I complained once we were out. I leaned against the wall and threw them to the ground. We were the only people in the hallway. "What's the problem?" Jay asked me.

"They are always in the way and I can't stand them" I simply said.

"Not about your crutches, the whole phone thing"

"My boyfr- ex... cheated on me..." I explained. His eyes showed sympathy. "I'm sorry, Rebecca. Need me to beat him up?" he smiled brightening the mood. "I give you permission if you can get to California"

"California? Why were you dating a kid that lives in California?" he asked. I sighed. "It's kind of a long story"

"I've got time"

And so I told him the story about Trevor. Also known as my now ex boyfriend.


I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long guys! I have been so busy with school and my new boyfriend who lives in another state :(

I hope you don't hate me for this chapter hehe

~Miranda Moran

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