Chapter 15

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We unpacked our suitcases and then I grabbed the outfit for Trevor and I's date, and headed to the bathroom. I took a shower and then put on a pink dress that went down to just above my knees. It was sparkly at the top and silky at the bottom. I straightened my hair and put in a big pink bow. I then slipped on my silver flats and walked into our room.

Trevor wasn't in there so I figured he would be back soon. I went and sat down on our bed and turned on the TV. I started watching Dance Moms when I noticed a note on the counter. I got up and read the note.

Dear Rebecca,

When your done getting ready come down to the game room

Love, Trevor

The game room? Why the game room? I wondered. I shut off the tv, grabbed my wristlet, and then headed to the game room. When I got there no lights were on and nobody was in the room. I walked past skee ball and found another note attached to the game.

Go to the restaurant

Ugh more walking. lol I'm so lazy. I walked through the halls to get to the restaurant and it was so empty. What the heck is going on? I got to the restaurant and there was only two workers inside. They were cleaning and about to close up. "Are you Rebecca?" one of the guys asked me. "Um yeah" " This is for you" he handed me yet another note.

This is the last one, I promise.

Go to the courtyard on the roof

I didn't know there was a courtyard on the roof. I thanked the waiter and then headed up to the roof. The walk was the same. Nobody in the hallways or elevator. It was kind of creepy. I got to the roof and it was a little chilly. I should have brought my jacket. I found a table with 3 candles on it in a line. Where's Trevor? I wondered.

Just then someone came behind me and scared me to death. I turned around and came face to face with Trevor. "Trevor freaking Moran!!! Don't ever do that to me again!" I yelled. "Sorry. Did you like your little scavenger hunt?" he asked. "Yeah um what was the point of that?" I asked him. "Oh that was so that I could buy some time" he told me.

"Why did you need time?" I was curious. He probably got ready way before me, so why would he need all of that time? "For this" he pointed to the door I came through. I was confused. Just then the three boys from Before You Exit came in through the door. "How the- what the-" I couldn't even speak. I am literally in love with Before You Exit. I'm pretty sure I didn't even tell anyone here that.

Well except Connor. "How did you know I liked them!?" "Connor. I thought you might want to meet them." Trevor said. "Hi Rebecca, I'm Toby" the cutest 16 year old in the world said to me. "Trust me, I know who you are" I said smiling the biggest smile in the history of smiles. I can say he's the cutest 16 year old because Trevor's 15. So, I guess I found some sort of loop hole, sorta.

Connor (BYE) and Riley both said hi to me and we hugged. "I seriously love you guys soo much" I told them. "Awe. We love to have fans like you" Connor (BYE) said. "I know every single word so every single song you have. You guys helped me through a lot" I told them. I started tearing up. I. Will. Not. Cry. I told myself. I think Toby understood what I was saying and asked me the best question ever.

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