Chapter 9

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The next day I woke up and heard people talking downstairs. Well that's weird. Usually the guys are asleep when I wake up. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see what was going on. "Milo!!! Sabrina!!!" I screamed running over to them. "Rebecca!!!" they both yelled. "Why are you guys here?" I asked them.

"We missed you" Milo said blushing. "It's only been a week" I said laughing. "We're staying here with our parents in the hotel down the street" Sabrina told me. "How long?" I asked. "At least a week!" Sabrina squealed. "Oh! I want to show you guys something.

The three of us ran up to my room. I went over to my desk that had Connor's laptop on it. Yeah I stole it yesterday. I pulled up the video of Trevor and I singing. We all watched it in silence until it was over. "Omg! Becca! Your amazing!" Sabrina said. "Oh and who's the guy? He's really good and extremely hot" she said about Trevor.

"Oh, that's my boyfriend, Trevor" I told them. I think I saw Milo's face fall a little, but I ignored it. "Well he's really cute! I wanna meet him" she said. Wait. What if Sabrina trys to steal Trevor from me? She's my best friend, she would never do that. Right? "Um. Okay. I'll text him and tell him to come over" I told her.

To: Trevor <3

From: Becca :*

Hey Trev! My two friends came to visit me and wanna meet you! Can u come over?

To: Becca :*

From: Trevor <3

Sure! I'll be right over.

"He's coming over right now." I told them.


Trevor came 5 minutes later and I opened the door. "Hey babe" he said coming in. "Hey Trevor" We walked into the living room where Milo and Sabrina were sitting. Sabrina got up from the couch and came over to Trevor. "Hi I'm Sabrina!" she said smiling really big.

"I'm Trevor, nice to meet you." he said. Milo greeted Trevor and then we all decided to pennyboard to Taco Bell. I left a note to Connor telling him where we were going since he was still a sleep. Sabrina and Milo brought their pennyboards with them so we all had one.

When we got there Milo and I decided to get everyone's food while Sabrina and Trevor went and found us a seat. "So, how long have you and Trevor been dating?" Milo asked me while we waited in line. "Only a day" I told him. We moved up a little in line. "Oh okay. He seems really nice" he said.

We got our food then headed to the table where Sabrina and Trevor were at. You wouldn't believe what I saw.....


Hey Guys!!! Guess what!? I just published my new Trevor fanfic!!! Go read it! Its called : "Love is a Drug" Okay thx!!!! :*

~Miranda Moran XOXO

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