Chapter 35

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Ricky, JC, and I stayed with Trevor for another hour. There was still no sign of him waking up any time soon.

"I think we should head home," Ricky told me. I nodded and stood up with them.


When we got home Connor was waiting for me.

"Nothing?" He asked by seeing the look on my face. I shook my head no.

I headed up to me and Rosalie's room and lyed down on my bed. Rosalie was sitting on hers with her back against the backboard. She was on her laptop.

"I'm sorry, Becca," she told me.

"It's fine. He'll wake up eventually right?" I reassured her. Maybe I was just reassuring myself.

Today's Christmas eve, but it doesn't really feel like it. The boys don't have any decorations up, only the Christmas tree.

I sped downstairs and ran into Connor. "Woah there speedy. Where you off to?" He asked me.

"We need Christmas decorations!" I Exclaimed.

"I think we have some in the basement," Kian interrupted from the kitchen.

"Thank youuuu"

I went down to the basement and found a few bins labeled 'Christmas Stuff' I opened them and found all kind of decorations. There was garland, lights, ribbons, and more.

"Whatcha doing?" Someone asked behind me. I turned around to find Milo staring at me.

"I'm getting decorations to decorate the house, want to help?"

He nods and starts to grab the decorations out of the bins. Milo and I hang up all the lights around the house and take all of the other decorations too.

By the time we're done, the whole house is decorated and it starts to feel like Christmas.

All of the rest of our friends come downstairs and we all watch a Christmas movie with O2L.

"So, what do you want for Christmas tomorrow?" Sabrina asks me to my left.

"Trevor" I whisper.


Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter is kind of boring it's just a filler.

You guys asked for an update today so I worked hard to write this for you (:

~Miranda Moran

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