Vengeance Plan

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Francisco grabbed my hand pulling me up from the sofa. I almost tripped on my own heels. My grip on Francisco's hand tightened. Which helped since I didn't fall over.

"You didn't have to grip my hand that tight." Francisco said, chuckling afterwards. I rolled my eyes at him.

"If I didn't, I would've fallen over." I reply. Francisco shrugged before nodding his head in agreement.

We awkwardly stood there for a moment. But I broke somewhat of the awkwardness when I pulled my hand out of Francisco's grip. Which was much easier than expected.

"Sorry that was really awkward." I said. Probably making the situation even more awkward than it needed to be.

"It was me that made it awkward." Francisco replies. I laughed at the fact, his statement was true.

"Are you two coming down or not?" Sofia appears at the hill of the steps. Her hand resting on her bump.

"Yes we were just about to come down." Francisco answers, smiling as his mouth slowly closed.

"Martinez's mother would love to meet you Sage." Sofia said. My eyes widened.

"Uh sure. I would've love to meet her too." I stupidly said, unsure how to respond to meeting a mother that was never talked about. Maybe only on rare occasions would Martinez, Sofia, or Francisco bring her up.

I walked away from Francisco and towards Sofia. Only because I didn't want Sofia to drag me down the steps.

"And Francisco, Martinez will be up in a couple of minutes. He said he would like to speak with you about something." Sofia's tone turned from happy and joyful to serious and stern.

I turned as a reflex or instinct, just to see Francisco's reaction to Sofia's warning. He sat down on the sofa, nodding his head.

I followed Sofia down the steps, where it was filled with business women and men. We reached a room where bright colors seemed non-existent. It was only filled with the most dark and exotic colors.

"Margret, I finally convinced her to get down here. This is Sage, Sage this is Margret. Mother of Martinez." Sofia said happily. The woman glanced up from her phone. With a large smile on her youthful face. Man Italians never age.

"Hello." I said, once again stupidly.

"You are the girl that seems to be playing a major role in this stupid fiasco with these dumb Russian's." Margret pointed out. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, sadly I wish I was the second choice of the Russian's choosing." I said. Margret released another beautiful, youthful smile.


Nearly five minutes after Sage and Sofia both disappeared to find Martinez's mother. I patiently waited for Martinez to finally get up here.

While I was scrolling through my Instagram, I hear footsteps coming up the wooden steps. I turned off my phone waiting for Martinez to reach the top.

"Sorry I took so long." Martinez said.

"It's okay, Sofia told me you needed to talk to me about something." I acknowledged Martinez.

"Yes, which is why I had an excuse for my mother wanting to meet Sage. In reality, she would rather be watching The Bachelor right now." Martinez confirms that Sofia's warning was correct. He takes a seat on the sofa besides mine.

"Tomorrow morning, I have planned out that we take out the Russian's. Once and for all. I know it sounds sooner than planned. But Tom and I looked up UCLA semester schedules and the soonest one is January. We need to get them out of the way. I decided that Sage should go back to California and get her education. After she's done, she can decide what she wants." Martinez explains. "But tomorrow we will meet up at five am. Are you down?"

"Yea-, yes I am." I nearly stuttered, just thinking off how Sage would leave New Jersey and go back to California for UCLA. It made me somewhat sad.

"You don't look too happy for Sage returning back to California." Martinez pointed out, he was right. I wasn't very happy for going back. But I was happy that a great school accepted her in.

"Its just, I don't want her to leave. It might sound selfish but, when you have had such a strong bond between someone and you're letting it go. It hurts." I honestly said.

"Well we will make sure you don't feel so sympathetic about her anymore. I mean we both saw this coming. Sage is nineteen. She needs her education." Martinez bluntly and sternly said.

"I know Martinez." I reply, even thought I didn't agree one bit.

"Anyways, tomorrow morning. Meet us at the estate. And lastly, you can't tell Sage where we are going. We can't risk anymore with her. It's too dangerous." Martinez reminds me.

"I won't tell her. Promise." I reply.

"That's my boy." Martinez said sarcastically. "Anyways lets go down and meet the others."

"I agree." I reply.

We both get off the couch and make our way down the stairs to retreat with the party. The muffled music bursted through the thin walls.

As we reached the marble flooring of the building. I turned to find Halle and Sage talking. Halle had a large smile on her face. Before Martinez could return back to Sofia. I stopped him.

"Uh, what about Halle. She needs to go back to. We are not going to babysit her." I bluntly said. Halle and I weren't always the most civilized towards each other.

"Don't worry, she's going back on the same day Sage is. We aren't going to keep her here." Martinez calmly said.

Good. I thought to myself.


So this was kind of a slowish chapter to two major events coming in the next couple of chapters. As you know, Martinez told Francisco that he's planning on getting vengeance for Sage.

He also decided that Sage will no longer be staying in New Jersey, since education is something that's important to Sage. But Sage doesn't know this is his plan. Will she be upset about it or be extremely happy about his decision?

On the other hand, Francisco is not too happy with this choice Martinez has decided to make. Because he doesn't want Sage to leave so soon. But Martinez vetoes Francisco's opinion.

Thank you guys for 10,000 Reads! I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. There is going to be a whole bunch of new stuff coming in soon. For this book specifically!

But a couple of new things arriving soon is, cover of books, picture themes of chapters, and whole bunch of other fun stuff! Thank you for reading. Be sure to leave a...

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