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Here is the final, final chapter of Francisco and Sage's story. It hurts that it had to come to an end, but I would not want to drag it on. My new book should be coming out soon, just thinking of a good way to start it. Anyways, here's the last of Francisco and Sage.


For the past two years, school has been beyond stressful. Not in anyway was I trying to be dramatic or an exaggeration. For these past years I had been in college, It's either a good week or a bad week. There was no in between.

Studying was quite difficult, but after finding a good technique on how to do it. College became easier and I am grateful for my counselor, who recommended a program that UCLA had. Which was only for students who had all the requirements and straight A's, back in high school.

I ended up finishing school in twenty-eight months. Past the fact there was nearly an exam every week. I have to admit, it was completely worth it. Most of my friends from high school, ended up going to UCLA with me.

They didn't weren't offered the two year program though. Even though I was only at college for two years, it still ended up being a bachelor's degree.

Sadly during the time I was at college. I barely spoke to Francisco or anyone. Even Sofia about her newborn baby, but I did receive some photos from the baby. Not to sound negative or a Debby-downer, but babies never had that cute factor to me.

They never wooed me like baby animals. Soon after my long thoughts ended, the caps that were thrown in the air and descended down. I reached up for one of the caps that was closest to me.

I didn't even bother to putting the cap back on, since it would probably make my hair look like a complete mess. There were applauses and gold and blue confetti, which represented the universities color.


I brought the last of three boxes onto the porch of Grandma's house. It was too long since I had last seen her. I stayed at a dorm with my good friend Abby. She didn't join the program, due to the fact one of her classes that involved her missing school a lot.

I walked over to one of the chairs on her porch, tugging up the cushion, revealing the rusted key that was used to unlock the house. I wanted it to be a surprise that I was home.

I brought the key to doorknob. Putting the key into the lock. Turning it to the clockwise and the door unlocks. I pressed my right arm against the door, carrying the boxes inside the house. One by one, but I made a mistake by placing the last box furtherest out.

I walked over to grab it and had completely forgotten that door wouldn't stay open. As I grabbed the box. I heard the door slam. Along with the fact, I left it on top of the box.

"Shit." I muttered.

I picked up the box walked to the front door, I guess my surprise plan was pointless now. I knocked on the door a couple times. Continuing to stand outside, watching the sun slowly start to set.

I hear the door open. I turned to see who it was, but it wasn't my grandma who opened the door. In fact it was someone who I didn't expect to be here. In a medium wash denim jacket, with a white shirt underneath, and in a pair of black jeans and black vans.

It was Francisco damn Mendes. A smile grew on my face quickly as his perfect smile that I remembered, also grew on his face. He moved the boxes that I left in the house with his leg.

I hurried inside, dropping the box without any care in the world. I immediately wrapped my arms around Francisco righty. I felt him wrap his arms around me. It made me feel safe and secure. 

"It has been too long Reid." Francisco said.

Scars Left By Memories - Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now