Chapter 1- Olympic Hopeful

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~8 years before~

“So you’re leaving?” Luke asked, the two of us sat in my backyard and played with the football but after telling him the news we stopped playing and just sat down on the grass. My little fingers played around with the grass and I didn’t dare to look at my best friend knowing he would have a face that I will haunt me my whole life.

“I am. With my daddy.” I say but Luke says nothing and just hugs me.

“I will miss you.”

“Me too.”

~Present Time~

Mornings are what I hate the most. No matter what I have, either school or training for both I wake up as early as five in the morning and I would’ve thought that I would be used to it by now but I’m not. Everyday I wake up at that time and after 7 years of that routine, I still hate it.

Especially when my father has to come into my room and take the sheets off of me and turn off the AC and open the curtains in an attempt to wake me up. It works but makes me turn into a cranky 17 year old and then I sleep in the car on the way to practice. Either way I still, somehow, manage to get through the day.

Surprisingly today I woke up before my alarm and I was changed and ready just as my dad came into my room. For a moment he looked at me confused on how I was awake and ready to go. He shook his head and walked out, clear confusion written all over his face. I don’t blame him, I’m still shocked myself.

Without wasting any more time, my dad and I got into his car and drove off to the teams rink. On the way I scrolled through my phone to check up on the news and on my fans. Yes I do have fans, it seems crazy right? I’m 17 what do I have fans for? Well its because of my career. Or Careers. I’m a professional swimmer and ice hockey player. Thank god the winter Olympics and summer Olympics aren’t during the same years because if they were, I don’t think I would be able to compete in both.

Though my father and I have decided I won’t compete in any Olympics until I think I am ready but that didn’t stop me from competing with Team Canada for the Nation Womaens U18 Championships. Or as we like to say it: Championnant National Feminin Des Moins de 18 ans. Seems crazy that in the past eight years I was able to train hard and finally compete in tournaments like that. For four times. Next goal? Win gold.

"Darling?" My dad called to me as he parked the car and shut the engine. I take out my ear plugs and look at him. Giving him a smile.


"Remember to train hard. Show everyone you may be less experienced but you are an amazing player." Dad smiles and gives me a hug. His encouraging words are what have been keeping me going for 8 years.

"Thanks dad. I'll see you later." I wave him goodbye and make my way inside the rink and to the changing room. All the girls were already there, half were changed and the other half weren't. Some were still tired and had one eye open. We exchanged greetings and I head towards my locker and begin to get change.

Just as I was putting on my shin pads, coach comes bursting through the door, thank god everyone was already changed. He always seems to come at the exact right moments. A giant playful smile is on his face and this only meant one thing: good news. Everyone did the usual coach greeting and sat down and their respective lockers.

"Ladies I've got fantastic news! We are going to Australia!" He announced. That was compeltely unexpected. What the hell are we going to Australia for? Noticing our confused looks, Coach cleared his throat. "Charity competition and we're the main team there." As he cleared that everyone nodded. After a few more words Coach left and that was when all the gossip began.

"Australia. Oh my god. Do you know who is there? 5 Seconds of Summer." Our defense-woman, Claire said. 

"Who are they?" I genuinely asked. Claire turns to me and grins. She holds her phone in her hands and I catch a glimpse of her wallpaper and see arounf 4 boys. One has bright pink hair so he stood out the most and another boy had blonde hair. I looked at the blonde haired boy for a little longer and he looked familiar to me but her screen went black before I could see more.

"Just the greatest soon-to-be hottest band ever!" Was all she said. I didn't bother asking for anything more on the band and headed straight for the Ice. But I couldn't stop thinking about the blonde haired boy on Claire's wallpaper. I feel like I know him. Should I? Whoever he is, I need to find out. Because thinking about him now is bothering me.

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