Chapter 33- Wedding

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~Two weeks later~

Wedding Day

I was going mad. Whose great idea was this anyways? Ugh! I groaned in annoyance and got up from my bed and walking over to the little table where my notebook was. My phone was taken away from me, all of my electronics were. Anything that I could use as a form of communication, it was taken away from me. Gosh darn it. My hands reached up to my damp hair and I wanted to pull them out, my hands were tempted to but my hands fell to my side as the sadness of not seeing him came to me. I have to see him. But I am locked inside. Only Cal, Ash and Michael can get in.

They've come up with the system of visiting me and then going over to his hotel, staying there for a bit and then coming back over to see me. It was frustrating knowing that Luke had to stay at another hotel and that he was only a five minute walk away from me but I was locked in my room until the actual wedding ceremony. It almost felt like suffocation without Luke, without his arms around me to keep me sane. Everything felt weird without his arms around me and I just needed to be with him or at least hear his voice and his laugh. 

I go and sit impatiently on the floor and look at nothingness. I need to call him. I just couldn't stand not hearing his voice. It was agitating me and I just couldn't continue to sit there and from the floor I get up to begin my search for my phone. Then I remember that they put everything into the safe box in the cupboard. Since, Ash, Cal and Michael left about a minute ago, it's the perfect time for me to try and guess the passcode to it. When I was faced with the four digit code I stared at it for a while. My first attempt was my birthday but that didn't work. I then tried every band member's birthday but none worked.

Oh my god. I tried their parent's birthday and it still didn't work. I tried the date the band was formed but of course, that didn't work. Finally I resorted to the simple 0000 and 1235 and all that but nothing, nothing worked. Not wanting to give up, I went through each possibility again just in case I accidentally missed a digit but then again, they didn't work. Frustration went through me and I grabbed a pillow, from my bed, and hurled it at the door just as I heard a knock.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!?!?!" I scream. I need to talk to Luke but all the obvious possibilities for the passcode weren't working and I knew that the passcode is probably something so obvious but not so obvious at the same. Do you get it? Like it's not obvious during the moment but then you find it out, you mentally slap yourself for not knowing it earlier. I hear a little laugh from outside.

"Whoa, Nicole, it's just us!" Michael said. I look over to the clock, at my end table, and realize that I have been trying to unlock the safe for a house. Sighing, I walk over to the door and open it. Ash, Cal and Michael standing there.

"GO BURN IN THE PITS OF HELL!" It's only 12:48pm , and the wedding isn't until two pm, but I really wanted to be with Luke. Being away from him was impossible to handle. I grab the pillow, that I had previously thrown, and hit Calum's face with it before slamming the door shut. 

"Oh come on Nicole! What did we do?" Ashton asks through the door.

"YOU ARE ALL BEING ASSHOLES TO ME." I fall onto the floor and huff out in annoyance. 

"All we've been doing is talking to you!" Calum argued. I get up from the floor and just walk over to my box of chocolates. Popping one in my mouth and then going back to the door, not opening it though. Anger was still present in me and I really didn't want to face the boys right now.

"BUT YOU FREAKING LOCKED ALL MY ELECTRONICS IN THE SAFE AND I CAN’T OPEN IT!” From inside, I could hear the boys laughing and it only made me angrier. “OH! SO YOU THINK its FUNNY RHAT I HAVE TO VE AWAY FROM LUKE!? THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I’M MAKING YOU STAY OUTSIDE UNTIL YOU TELL ME THE CODE TO THE SAFE BOX.” Despite me going all rage mode on them, the boys still continued to laugh at me and I swear if I wasn’t able to control my anger to this point, I would’ve taken the glass cups, open the door and smash them against their heads. But I’m not that violent in action, just in voice.

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