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You know how much I love music, right? Anyways, it’s Sunday right now and guess what we’re not having. A BARBECUE. We haven’t had one since you left and since it’s been about two years, it’s sort of become a normal thing now—to not have a barbecue.

Just like how it is every day. I wake up—somehow still hoping you’re there—but I know you’re not. Want to know something else Nicole? I’ve become depressed. At least that’s what they like to call it.  I’m only 11 [turning 12 soon] and I still don’t understand some things.

You were the smartest one out of you and I but now with you gone, I don’t really have anyone to help me in learning bigger things that people this age wouldn’t learn in school.

Anyways, remember how I asked about how you should know that I love music. The reason being is because I heard a song while I was randomly scrolling through my iPod. It’s by Blink 182. I feel like the song relates to me on some emotional level.

It’s called ‘I Miss You’.

To be honest, I cried. I cried listening to the song because I was thinking of you. Nicole, I still miss you and the pain is just getting worse and worse each day.

I hope you’re fine. I hope you are <3

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