♡☆♡dance partners♡☆♡

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It was 12am on a Monday night, the workshop was more quiet then usual. Joey didn't stay after work hours this time, something about "gathering supplies" for something.
You are currently watching one of the cartoons that bendy and boris was in, you recently found them the other night and watched most of them since then.

Your favorite episode was called "the dancing demon" you thought it was kinda cute, not to mention how good of a dancer bendy was.
Since you haven't been alive long you don't know how to dance, it was all pretty new to you.
You tried to copy what bendy does in the cartoon but in result u knocked over a few chairs, turns out it wasn't a smart idea to dance in a small room full of chairs.

After you picked up the chairs you left the room to look for bendy "beeeeennndyyyyy~!?" You sang as your voice slightly echos throughout the empty halls.
There was no reply for a good 30 seconds till bendy came running to you panting "w-what...?" He asked through his deep breaths.
"Can you help me with something?" You asked slightly tilting your head to the side, bendy blushed and rubs the back of his neck ((pretend he has a neck peeps)) with a shy smile "w-well yeah, Anything" bendy said with a slight stutter, you smiled wide "so can you help show me how to dance like you where dancing in your cartoons?" You asked with joy in your eyes.

Bendy stared at you with a blush on his face for a moment "well uh...maybe not exactly like in the cartoon but I can teach you a few dance moves" bendy replied to your question with a plan on his mind.

******time skip cuz im lazy******

Bendy had taught you most of the dance moves that he had done in the cartoons, luckily you both moved some things out of the way so you wouldn't break anything you wouldn't want Joey to get mad at you guys.

"Hey (y/n) I have one more dance I need to show you" bendy said with a smile, time to take his plan into motion. "Ok what is it called?" "Its called a slow dance" his smile grew bigger "it's not really hard trust me" "oh ok" you smiled, you trust bendy with everything even your own life.

He grabs one of your hands gently like he was holding fine China and placed it on his shoulder then with the same hand he holds your other hand, his free hand placed around your waist. You blushed at how close you both were "just follow my lead ok?" Bendy told you and you replied with a slight nod.

You both started to slow dance, it wasn't so bad after the few times you accidentally stepped on bendy's feet. You both laughed and danced like it was the end of the world, you hoped it would last forever. For a moment bendy stopped and looked at you with big eyes and you looked back with a smile.
You noticed the bendy got a bit more closer and placed a sweet kiss on your forehead making you blush hard "that was fun wasn't it?" Bendy asked with a blush returning to his pail face.

"Ya it was! I'm glad I have you around bendy, You are the best." You giggled "don't forget the best dance partner!" Bendy chuckled and you giggled "thank you for teaching me bendy" you smiled.
Boris called for you in another room asking for help with something, bendy let go of you and was about to put everything back to its original places.

You gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room so you can help boris with whatever he wanted, leaving a stunned blushing bendy that collapsed on the floor after a few minutes of standing there.

He could've sworn he saw hearts floating above his head.

Bendy x cartoon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now