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((Continuation of ♤fights and surprises☆))


*boris's perspective*


The whole building was silent, you and bendy just left to go to the park. In the room where boris lays the candles and everything else was still in their places, mice scurried on the floor and the candle lights went out.
A sudden noise came from the pipes that are in the ceiling and walls, ink flowing through the pipes and the ink machine started to run.

The ink from the machine flooded the floor once again, the pentagram that Is on the floor in the room where boris lays started to glow red when ink had covered it. What bendy didn't do was to turn on the machine to give boris new ink, the ink in boris body became dry over the years so the ink can no longer flow through his vanes.

The ink rised higher till it reached the dead wolf's body, the ink soaks his black fur and stains his overalls. Then the ink machine stops, the ink no longer rises and the pentagram stopped glowing. If you can listen close enough you can hear a faint heart beat.

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Thump thump

The wolf slowly opened his eyes and let out a yawn, he felt like he had a good long rest. The room was dark since the candles had went out but he can faintly see the straps hold him down and the ink that flooded the floor. He sat there confused for a long moment, how did he get here?

The last thing he had remembered was going in mr. Drews office then nothing else. He tried to move and the straps that held him down easily snapped cuz they where so old. He instantly fell into the ink like he hasn't used his legs in a long time, he used his arms to prop himself up ink dripping from his face and arms.

He took a deep breath and then gripped his bandaged chest in pain "o-ow..." he whimpered his voice sounded scratchy like he hasnt spoke in years. He struggled to get up his legs feeling weak, he then walked out of the room into the lit up hall. He then noticed his chest was bandaged up and there where marks on his wrists, and upper arms where the straps held him down.

He then looked up to see the place old and run down, he wonders how long he's been out. He wonders into the entryway and saw a tank with a animal he has never seen before inside it, he doesn't remember it being here before.
He looks closer to see the animal press it's little face against the glass, he lightly taps the glass with his gloved hand "c-cute" he said as it swam away and hid.

He looked around some more, he can't find his best friends anywhere. "(y-y/n)? B-bendy?" He managed to say before coughing his throat started to hurt. He was carful about going down the stairs but never found you or bendy anywhere.

*where did they go?* he thought to himself, when he got up the stairs the ink in the floor became dry. He was all alone in the workshop, he gripped his bandaged chest at the sudden pain again. When the pain stopped he stood there and think, maybe you both where outside?
He walked to the door and slowly opened it, the sunlight hurt his eyes a bit and the streets wasn't very busy.

He walked out of the world closing the door behind him, he has never been outside before... it's so beautiful. He wasn't sure where to go, so he just went left and kept walking.
Some people screamed when they saw him and ran away, he got confused haven't they seen a wolf before?
He wonders around enjoying the fresh air and his eyes getting used to the bright sunlight.

He then walked in the park, people avoid him at all costs and some dogs wondered by and barked at him, he would howl at them but his chest hurts to much. He saw a girl who had the same clothes as you but she is human and her hair is (h/c) instead of black, he can smell the ink on her.
He walked up to the girl who was crying a bit and her head was in her hands.

Even though you where human he knew it was you "hi (y/n)!" He called out his throat hurt by the shout he did. You looked up at him and your (e/c) eyes widen at the sight of him.


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