♤the mad man is gone♤

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Years had past,
The workshop had shut down, the walls where decaying, and Joey had disappeared.
Joey stopped coming to the workshop all together and never came back and sometimes bords from the walls or mostly the ceiling falls out of their places and onto the floor.
You and bendy came out of the basement a few days after Joey had disappeared, finally the mad man was gone....

Today was a Friday though I don't know why I'm telling you the day, no one ever works in the workshop anymore.
Bendy was sleeping in a chair and you placed a blanket over your sweet little devils sleeping form, his nightmares was now gone and he had his sleeping schedule back on track.

You wondered around the halls with a few wooden planks falling from the walls and ceiling, thank goodness they didn't land on your head. You glanced down the hall in a now open room where boris still remains, ever since you both  left the basement bendy refused to go near the room or even look in it but you did look.

You walked away from the room not baring to keep looking at your dead friend, besides boris being dead and the decaying wooden floor and walls everything was the same...
Same drawings on the desks same old book that you have read 3 times and same old candle lit basement.

You both never went outside because of last time and also you both had no idea where you both would go.
The ink machine barely even runs properly as it used to,
It was also getting boring with the same old records you had played a thousand times over the years.
It's so boring around here....

Meanwhile bendy opened his eyes and looked around to see you not around "darlin?" He asked but there was no answer, he got up from his seat and stretched with a yawn. He then wonders around the halls to look for you,soon he found you in the room where the ink flow is in. You sat there in one of the wooden chairs watching one of your favorite cartoons that bendy and boris was in 'the dancing demon'.

Bendy sat beside you and watched the cartoon with you "you are still a good dancer" you told him not looking away from the cartoon that is playing "your a much better dancer then me darlin" he said and wraps his arm around you, you smiled and leaned your head on his shoulder.

You both watched all the cartoons in silence, enjoying each others company.

Bendy x cartoon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now