Valentine's special (qftim version)

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((Welp another day of bein forever alone.

Luckily we gots our special demon to be our Valentine :3))

Everything was pretty ok in the town, it was kinda busy as usual and the restaurant that you work at got busy pretty quickly which isnt a surprise. It is always busy on days like these, it wasnt much of a problem for you for how often these days come by.

You work as a waitress, the ONLY watress actually. The restaurant was so low on budget they can only hire one waitress and boy was it hard to keep up with your work but you always managed.
As you where taking one customers order you heard a bell ring, the bell that rings when the door opens to be spasific. Either some dissatisfied customer left from you messing up a order or more customers came in, you looked over your shoulder tp receive the answer to that question.

4 gentalmen a duck, a mouse, a rabbit, and finally a demon along with 3 small blue rabbits and a wolf following. You recognized the 3 gentalmen and the 3 rabbits from the traveling circus but you dont recognize the demon and the wolf, the demon looked about your hight and age and looked kinda cute. "Miss? Miss!?" The customer yelled grabbing your attention, you where to busy staring at the demon boy to pay attention to what you where currently doing.

"Sorry sorry! Um. Can you repeat your order plz?" You smiled nervously earning a annoyed look from the customer as they repeated what they said.

After you taken their order you went to the back to give the order to the chief, you felt eyes on you and you didnt like that feeling at all. It practically made your skin crawl, you turned around but there was so many people you dont know who is staring at you.

As the restraunt grew empty by satisfied customers, customers that where tired of waiting, and customers that where angry on theor orders being constantly messed up there where only a few people left including the same people that came by a while ago. You let out a sigh, well at least thing had gotten easier. You would be lucky if your boss wont chew your ear off for pissing off so many customers, if you could just make a few customers satisfied then maybe you wouldn't get fired.

You felt the staring again making the hair at the back of your neck stand up, you turned around again and finally figured out where it came from. It was the cute demon boy staring at you with those big red eyes, he had this love struck daze you couldve sworn you see hearts in his eyes.
You walked over seeing the small bunnys eyes light up to see you "im so sorry for taking so long, pretty hard to do everyones orders when your the only waitress" you said with a nervous chuckle.

"May i take your order?" You asked politely, everyone told you what they wanted except the demon and the bunny. The bunny was a mute so the mouse had to order for him which you didnt have a problem with, the demon on the other hand didnt say what he wanted to order he just introduced himself and flirted with you making you blush and quickly turn away.

He then kept giving you compliments and pickup lines making you blush even more, you've never felt more embarrassed and complimented in your whole life.

*time skip cuz im lazy*

The restraunt closed and you whete the 1st to leave, when you walked out you saw bendy again outside but this time he was alone.
His eyes lit up when he saw you and he gave you some flowers "hey uh. I was wondering if we can go out sometime? Plz???"

You where silent for a moment, no one ever have you flowers or had done anything sweet for you before. When you saw the hopeful look in his eyes you smiled and said "sure, id love to go out with you" words cant express how happy bendy was he gave you a kiss on the hand with a smirk at how red your face was.

And thats when your life started to get intresting.

((I know Valentine's day was yesterday, i was kinda busy and had writer's block in the middle of making this as u can see that the ending was kinda half assed.

Sorry that it was late tho))

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