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hours after you calling bendy by his name he wonders around with thoughts running through his head, why did you call him bendy? Was that his actual name and he just can't remember? That must be it....

He bumped into a door, he reached for the doorknob and opens the door wiping the ink away from his eyes so he can see where he is going and NOT fall down the stairs. He walked down the stairs, he started to get reaaaalllyyyy frustrated from all the ink that's covering his eyes he's really getting sick of it.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs he wiped the ink away from his eyes again to see the room very dark, the only light that was down there was from the door that he came from up the stairs.
The darn ink covered his eyes again and he puts his hands on the wall so he can find the switch on the wall to light up the room.
As he was looking his fingertips brushed against a carving on the wall.

He traced the lines with his finger to see what it was, there was no use to uncovering his eyes cuz the room was dark.
It was a heart with a arrow and little hearts around it he then felt 2 letters and a word under it, he couldn't quite tell what the word or the letters where sadly but he knew it was familiar to him.

He wondered around some more but couldn't find a light switch or anything, he let's out a noise that is a mix of a groan and choking sounds and sat on the floor.
For a while he sat there thinking, thinking of a logical answer to all his questions that flooded his mind.
When he thought of nothing he walked back to look for that carving on the wall, he finds it and traces his finger in the lines again.

Then something clicked.

He had a flashback of you and him carving the 1st letter of your names in a heart you both carved in the wall, followed by him adding the word '4ever' in it.
He traced the word he had wrote with his finger, trying to remember other things that had happened in his past life.

He remembered about you and him dancing, your 1st kiss, and the times that you comforted him when he cried,the time he stood up for you when one of those bad teens made you cry, He remembered boris and the good times they had and the time he found him dead...
The only thing he does not remember is both of you melting into puddles of ink.

A smile was placed on his face as he remembered the good times he had with you and boris, his demon tail wags a bit at how happy he was.
"D......dar....lin..." he mummbles his fist word since he came alive for the 2nd time.

He got up and after finding the stairs he walks up and closes the door. He wipes the ink away from his eyes and looks around for you, he found you blindly looking through boxes in the room with the ink flow is.
He didn't hesitate to hug you tightly, he tried to speak but nothing came out.
You where confused, why is he hugging you all of a sudden?

Bendy let's go of you and wipes the ink away once more to look at you, when he saw your expression through the ink that's covering your face realization hit him like he ran into a brick wall.

He remembered everything that happened in the past...but you didn't...

Bendy x cartoon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now