▪■bendy lost his mind■▪

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((Continuation of ♤missing♤
Very very short))

"(Y/N)!!!!" Bendy cried, after searching for you for a long while he's starting to think that his fear is coming true.
Your gone and he is all alone, he can feel his sanity close to breaking. His heart ached and his head started to hurt, his body shakes as tears fall from his eyes and onto the floor.

His body started to melt, his sobs echoed throughout the halls. He can't take it.
What is he gonna do now...?
The love of his life and his brother are now gone, he has nothing else now.
Soon his sobs turn into laughter, he can no longer bare it.

His sanity is shattered.


You woke up tied to a chair, you see the same figure again standing before you. His skin was black like his body was covered in ink and his face is covered in a bendy mask. "W-wha-" you where confused, scared even. Who is he? where did he take you? Why is he doing this?

You swore you can hear sobbing mixed with laughter coming from somewhere...

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