°●°●°2 ink monsters°●°●°

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Meanwhile at the ink machine

Another monster rises from the pool of ink, it was a female much smaller then the other ink monster, her hair was only straight not curly then it was before, her wings where bigger then they once where but due to ink some parts of the wing are stuck on her back, her dress that is a darker grey was longer then it was it now kinda looks like a melted ball gown, the white gloves that she had are now black, ink had covered her eyes and the bow that is placed behind her horns remains in its place.

You tried to wipe the ink away from your eyes but it always covers them back up after a few seconds so you left it alone for now and walked through the wood planks, you feel tired and confused. You feel alone... you tried to wonder around but you keep bumping into the walls.
Since you can't see you only let your other senses help you....which they didn't, all you felt is the ink covering you from head to toe and the pool of ink that you are walking in and you only hear the ink machine still running.

You bumped into something and a splash, whatever you bumped into fell into the pool of ink that flooded the floor. You wiped away the ink that covered your eyes to take a quick look at what fell in the ink, it was a little plush doll of a demon boy. The ink covers your eyes again and you reached out and managed to get it out of the ink.

You wondered around with the doll in your hands, the old doll getting soaked in the ink that is on your hands.
You then stopped and found a old wooden chair that feels like it's stable enough, you sat down and hugged the cute looking doll close to you.

Whoever this was you knew he looked familiar and that you both had a connection.
You don't know what kind of connection or how but you just knew it was something very special to you.

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