♤hurtful words♤

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(((Continuation of ◇the outside world◇)))
(((This chapter is inspired by a comic dub called "making real friends" that is above this chapter))

You both wondered around for a while, the streets have gone empty cus lunch break was over.
You ran across a little park, not a lot of people where there maybe a few teenagers that mightve skipped school and very young kids playing while their parents watch them and some people are even walking their dogs.
Bendy wonders off and it was just you now, you didn't even pay any attention to where bendy had went.

You wondered around and couldn't find bendy anywhere so you wondered to one of the teens who was listening to music, you tapped the teens shoulder "excuse me but can you lend me a moment of your time? Have you seen a demon boy around with a really cute smile?" You asked and the teen looks at you then screams. She was yelling at you asking what the heck you are and saying some hurtful things like freak, scary, ugly, and then yells get away from me then they ran off to the other teenagers and told them about you.

You couldn't lie the words hurt you a lot, it made you cry a bit and you ran off silently crying ink tears,
You then saw bendy and instantly tackled him into a hug, knocking both of you over. You silently cried into his chest hugging him very tightly, he was the only thing that can make you feel better.
He hugs back "(y/n) what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Bendy asked with concern, you crying made his heart ache.

You told him about the hurtful words that the teen called you and ooohhhh boy bendy did not take it well. He was full of rage, he wanted to go over there and teach that horrible teen a lesson. HOW DARE THEY CALL YOU HORRIBLE THINGS AND MADE YOU CRY!
he got up and rubbed his arms like he was rolling up his sleeves, but of course he had no shirt and marched over to the teen that you described with you following wiping your ink tears.

He taps the teens shoulder and they looked at him, bendy did not look like himself.
Ink was running down his face and dripping from his horns and onto the grass, one of his eyes where covered in ink and the other had a dim red glow in his eye full of hatred and rage, he had this creepy insane like smile spread across his face.

The teen looked at him frightened "hOw DARE yOu mAKe (y/n) cRy...." bendy growled at the teen,his sinister smile turning into a frown.
The teen pleaded to bendy that they where sorry and said the opposite of the bad things that they had said about you, they thought that they would die by bendy's hand.

You told bendy that they said sorry and to stop scaring them, bendy did stop for your sake buuut next time he'll do worse then just scaring them. Not killing them of course but you know what I mean, the teen ran off crying for their mommy.

You wiped the ink away from bendy's eye and kissed his cheek "thanks bendy" you gave a smile and bendy blushed hard smiling back at you. Bendy placed a kiss on your head "we should head back, the workers should be leaving soon" bendy said still blushing and holds his hand out "yeah, let's go back to the workshop" you took bendy's hand and with that you both started to head back to the workshop hand in hand.
You leaned against bendy with a smile and bendy smiles from 'ear' to 'ear'.

Since then you always thought of bendy as your knight in ink armor.

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