Deranged Chp. 1

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Sky's POV

I prepared myself for the pain I was going to endure... The horrible, suffering death I was about to condemn myself too.

All the tears, scars, and horrible memories would soon be gone, and I'll no longer hold a place in this of torturous confinement known as Earth.

I was just another teenager, forgotten and alone; bullied and scarred.

The depth of the pit of muddy water that would end my life was deep... Deep just like the scars my arm fashioned. It would be a quick but painful death... All the drama, lies and tears would soon be washed away and exist no more in my life.

In a matter of seconds I would be released. Freed from the endless torture I suffered here.

It's common isn't it? A teenager killed because of the awful society we're forced to live in? So why would it matter if I left? I'm just another one of them.

Thoughts constantly ran through my mind as I inched forward. Is it worth it? What if someone misses me? What if I regret it? What if I don't die and just end up eternally damage? These questions made me laugh.

They were questions I could easily answer.

Yes it's worth it.

No one will miss me, because no one cares enough to miss me.

Regret? Never heard of it.

I'm plummeting to the bottom of an icy cold river, I don't think I'll live.

Everyone is set to go at a certain time...My time is now.

Inching my way forward, every step I took I became closer to relief. This was it, what I've wanted all along! To be set free from this horrible place, and no longer have to deal with the painful uprisings of my past or chillling memories of my high school years.

I would no longer be faced with the everyday struggle to keep holding on and just burry my emotions with a silver blade.

My bare arms became colder as I inched forward on the metal beam. The white from my converse was bright in the little sunshine being supplied from above.

Nobody cared, and nobody ever would, so I might as well die a fast, tragic death than try to keep pushing through the impossible blockade known as life.

I reached my final step, whispering to the silence around me, "No more, I'm finally going to be free... Finally..." I inhaled my final breath... Goodbye hell, or as others call it, Earth.

But goodbye seemed to be too easy...

A hand grabbed me as I released my final step that would've sent me plummeting to my death if it weren't for the unknown hand stopping me. I swear a sense of relief fell through me, but I fought it away with the anger I contained. I spun around to find a boy clasped onto me, "Don't move so quickly or you'll kill both of us" His tone serious.

"Would that be so bad?" I murmured under my breath, furious with the interfering boy.

No matter how much I jerked and hit, he wouldn't let his grip loosen as he led me off the metal beam.

Why would some complete stranger stop me? Why would he care about me? No one ever cared for me before! But yet as I stand here...preparing to die, a courageous boy saves me? It's so unlikely and so unusual...

Why couldn't he have just let me go?

Hi guys! Thanks for reading! I just wanna make know THE CHAPTERS GET LONGER! And hopefully better! I need all the advice I can get, considering my desire for a writing career! Please comment with advice, hints, suggestions etc. LOVE YOU GUYS! Stay fab <3

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