Sky's POV
Honestly I'm running out of ideas on how to wisely spend. The basic idea of a picnic suddenly came to my mind.
Harry was relaxed against the bottom of the couch, teasing Luna with a piece of string. "You're gonna drive poor Luna insane Harry!" I teased. He laughed and waved me over next to him. His strong arm pulled me closer to him, keeping me secure and close to him. Luna gridded over and snuggled on my lap. "How about a picnic today? And maybe a walk on the beach?" I suggested.
"How could I resist?"
I picked up Luna and locked her in the laundry room to sleep off her struggle to reach the string. Pulling out a cooler from under the cabinet, I frantically searched for food to fill it with. My search proved unsuccessful, so we left early to grab some food.While Harry wandered off, distracted my the interesting objects scattered throughout the store, I remained focused. Knowing Harry, I knew I'd need enough food to feed him, so I stocked up.
"Harry? C'mon!" I urged, finding him glued to a TV playing Harry Potter. He had a little box with him, but I didn't ask questions.The sand formed between my toes, a feeling I'd grown fond of. Harry stole the quilt from me and spread it out under a palm tree offering a slight shadow of shade. The cooler was nearly overflowing, but I knew Harry would fix that problem pretty quickly. The sun was slightly covered by a white cloud, which was nice because we weren't being blinded while trying to enjoy our lunch. "Oh I almost forgot!" Harry blurbed, handing me the box he'd bought at the store. "Um. wow thanks! A box! I've always wanted one!" I joked. "Haha very funny, open it"
I untied the purple ribbon securing the wrapping and slipped the paper right off. Removing the lid, I was surprised to see an old looking camera sitting at the bottom. Reading my mind, Harry explained,"Its a Polaroid camera... You know, like the old fashion ones that print out the pictures as soon as you take 'em?"
I smiled at his generous gift and snaked my arms around his neck, softly planting his right below his ear to thank him. Looking through the lens scope I pressed the white button, obviously catching Harry off guard. "Hey!" he whined, while I died laughing at the blank look in his eyes."My turn!" he quickly ripped the camera out of my grip and snapped a surprise picture of me. Now it was his turn. His face turned red at the amount of laughter escaping his lips. My face was worse then his, my eyes halfway closed and my mouth slightly agape, appearing as though I'd smoked some crack before he photographed me. "Shut up!" I shoved him, harder than intended, sending him to lie back down in the sand. "Oh my gosh Harry! I'm so sorry!"
"Sky is that you?" he asked, blinking rapidly to try and refocus. "Harry I'm so sorry!" I panicked. He once again nearly died laughing, "I'm just kidding Sky! You think you could really hurt me?" he taunted.
"Yes!" I argued, and quickly shoved him with a harder force, sending him back to the sand. But when he was lying in the sand this time, his eyes remained closed."Harry! Oh my gosh! Harry!" I panicked. When his eyes shot open, I couldn't help the small squel that escaped my mouth. "You're too easy Sky!" he tantalized. I wanted to laugh at his cruel joke, but revenge sweetly called my name. "Don't ever scare me like that again Harry!" I wailed, working up the best fake pair of tears possible. I turned my back to him and "shamefully" hid my face between my legs. His hand stroked my back,
"Aw Sky, don't cry! I'm sorry! I'm such an idiot"
"Yes you are and easy too!" I mocked, returning my gaze back to his.Being as my camera takes film, I was careful and wise as too when to snap a picture.
It was a no brainer when Harry got stuck on a limb while attempting to climb a palm tree. While I was too busy laughing hysterically at his facial expressions in the pictures, he stole the camera from me. Lucky for me I shielded my face in time.
"Ok enough" Harry stated, "c'mon" he held out his hand and offered to help me up.We walked awhile down the beach, but Harry stopped at a group of teenage girls tanning. "Excuse me?" Harry asked. There were three girls; one appeared slightly ticked by our unexpected appearance, the other displayed an obvious attraction towards Harry, and finally the last one seemed completely lost in her own world. "Yeah!?" the prissy girl spat. "Can you take a picture for us?" Harry politely asked. The attracted girl stung forward and almost broke the camera in her swift, eager movement. Harry stepped back a bit, so we'd be in view of the camera. "Jump on" Harry gestured to his back, so I happily jumped on. Honestly it always amazed me how he could bear all my weight.
"3...2...1..." The girl counted aloud. I flashed the biggest and prettiest smile I could and I knew Harry did the same. The girl kindly reached out to return our camera but I asked for one more. She counted once again and this time I pressed my lips to Harrys soft cheek. "Thanks" I politely told the girl as she handed me the camera and photographs.
Both the pictures brought smiles to our faces, something I'd know we'd always treasure.Harry placed his arms around me, and I rested against the back of the tree. My eyes met with the rose tattoo Harry had inked on his upper arm. The pad of my fore finger traced the colorful tattoo. "What are you doing Sky?"
"Just looking" I shrugged. His hand reached down and swallowed mine in his. "Wow" I blurted out before I could realize it. "What?" Harry expectedly pondered. "I don't think I've ever realized just how big your hands actually are"
The statement sounded normal in my head, but I realized how stupid it really was as soon as I said it. Blushing, I covered my flushed cheeks with my hands. "Don't be embarrassed love, it's cute" Harry playfully joked. I laughed at my dumb statement and his dainty response.I guess I didn't realize it but my eyelids were slowly dropping over my eyes. "Lets go home Princess"
Guys I'm so sorry! This chapter was awful! I stayed up late last night typing and before I could save it, watt pad crashed! Im so sorry! Xoxo Sydney

FanfictionPeople build walls up not to keep others out... but to see who's strong enough to tear them. COPYRIGHT© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO: Fumblingfive™ ANY AND ALL COPYING OF THIS STORY IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED!