Deranged Chp. 10

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Sky's POV

I still held Harry's wrist in my grip, and when a drop fell from my eye and onto his hand I snapped back to reality.

"Don't cry. Like you said, 'someone has to endure the pain this world has to offer..'"

"It's just... You... You really do understand me! No one's ever understood me..."

Harry freed his wrist from my grip, and softly brushed the tears beginning to rapidly fall onto my cheeks.

That's when I realized he was different from other guys.

He wasn't a jock that spread horrible rumors about you or made fun of you when you completely wiped out while trying to jump the hurdles.

Harry was a normal guy in twisted way, but he had darker secrets...

"Sky? You told me something else while you were at my safe place..."

I stayed silent,

"You said it was true what they said about you... all those names they called you? You said you deserved it!"

"Well I d-"

"NO! NO ONE DESERVES THAT! Sky look at me. You deserve so much better! No one should ever have to suffer that!"

"Well I did. And according to everyone else I deserved it-"

I was interrupted by the sound of the garage door opening.

Crap! My mom!

"Harry c'mon!!!!" I grabbed his hand and ran upstairs to my room. "Go! My mom's home!"

Harry opened my window and climbed out.

"Sky? Come here, I have to tell you something."

"What?" I said, bending down to Harry's level.

Harry didn't say anything, instead he pressed his lips to my, still damp, cheeks.

"Call me" was all he said as he continued his way out my window.

I bit my lip to try and hide the smile creeping on my face.

It was a weird feeling... lips being pressed against your cheek... but I liked it. It was foreign to me but it felt so right coming from him I wanted him to run back up the tree and do it again.

"Who am I becoming?!" I asked myself and laughed at how pathetic I was acting.

My mom's voice travelled upstairs, yelling for me to come down. "Sky I have to go back to work..."

"Why?" Not that I actually cared.

"No reason, I'm taking someone else's shift."

"Oh ok."

Once again I was left alone for the night!

I always hated being alone for the night in a quiet house, it gave me too much time too think about.

I snuggled in for another night of popcorn and a movie.

An unfamiliar sweatshirt lay across the sofa...

It was Harry's.

I picked it up and slipped it over my head.

"Put it back. Put it back now!" A voice inside my head yelled at me.

But I shut it out.

It smelled like Harry, and although it swallowed me, I kept it on, because it gave me a warm feeling like no other.

Harry's POV

Halfway home, a brisk wind swept over my bare arms...

I forgot my hoodie...

I sprinted back to Sky's house.

Her mom's car was no longer in the garage and it stood wide open. I climbed back up to Sky's window and carefully pushed it open, careful not to disturb anyone that was home.

I crept downstairs, flinching when I hit a stair that let out a creak, "Shit" I mumbled under my breath.

Sky was fast asleep on the couch with the Notebook on the TV, and the cutest thing was that she was snuggled up in my hoodie.

I softly brushed her wavy hair away from her beautiful blue eyes and planted a kiss on her cheek. Her eyes opened and widened at the sight of a person hovering over her.

Long story short, Sky screamed and flipped off the couch. Whoops. My bad.

"Sky are you ok?" I could barely speak in between the laughs that sporadically flew from my mouth.

"Shut up Harry!" Sky yelled while playfully punching my arm. "I belive that's my hoodie!" I informed her.

"Mine now! It looks good on me!" She argued, holding onto the blue material that I wouldn't dare take back. It made her flawless eyes stand out even more.

"Anything looks good on you Sky!"

She tried to turn away to hide the massive smile that lit up her face. That smile told me we were getting somewhere.

And maybe this dead end was slowly evolving into a ride that could lead us somewhere.

Somewhere is better than nowhere.

"Keep it" I smiled.

But Sky just laughed at my comment.


"Aren't you cute! You thought I was going to give it back!"

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