Deranged Chp. 4

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Harry's POV

My feet shuffled across the ice covered sidewalk, trying to maintain my balance in the brutal winter wind.

"Hey Haz how's it going?" Sam yelled across the bar. "Good Sam! How 'bout you?"

"Couldn't be better! You want the usual?"

I nodded, showing I was in desperate need of an aid to my pain. This was the place I came in my darkest times to attempt to release myself from some of the pain, Craig's Bar.

It wasn't as crowded as I thought it would've been on a Friday night, but I wasn't complaining! Having the place desolate for the night was nice for a change, compared to the usual annoying crowd this place drew in.

I planted myself at the bar, and accidentally laid my arm in something sticky. Great! I grabbed a wet rag nearby and softly patted the affected area. Now I was left with the annoying feeling of wet material. Nothing annoys me more than that except wearing a pair of socks and stepping in melted ice.

That's when I lose it to be honest.

About halfway through my second drink a group of girls strolled in as if they owned the place. One familiar girl stumbled behind, trying to laugh ,but the way she looked it almost appeared painful for her to laugh.

Her appearance immediately drew me in. She was familiar... I knew her... Her friends easily confirmed for me that I knew her.

"Hey Sky? You want a drink?"

That's why her appearance drew me in.

"Um-nah I'm ok" she shyly muttered.

While her friends went to order their drinks she was left alone to save them a table. They cast her aside as they continued their uninteresting conversation about shoes and what not. One of them winked at me, so I just decided to study the wood of the counter an avoid any unwanted company.

The guilt I felt watching Sky being outcast right in front of me slowly ate away at me. I found myself debating whether or not to go sit with her and risk being yelled at or just let her sit there being rejected.

I picked the first one.

Apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed she was alone though.

"Excuse me ? Is this table taken?" a man asked Sky. She nodded, obviously stating that it was.

The man was drunk, you could tell by the way he flung his body around. The way he nearly tripped over his own two feet made it quite clear I was right.

He also made it publicly clear he had a thing for Sky.

"Screw off!" she spat when the drunken male pursued her in an immodest way.

He wouldn't stop, continually trying to touch Sky.

It would've been normal for a guy like me to either join in or just laugh and watch, but normal is too easy. And I'm not one to take the easy path in life.

"Hey man the lady said to back off!" I finally managed to say, standing and strutting right over to the table.

"Harry?" she whispered in disbelief at my sudden, saving appearance.

I grinned at Sky for remembering my name, and focused back on the man who refused to leave.

The drunken douche continued his attempt to seduce Sky right in front of me.

"You wanna take this outside man?" I asked clenching my fist at the man who just couldn't seem to take his filthy ass home.

"Can she come too? I wanna take her home and-"

I grabbed the man by his collar. He had crossed the line now.

His breath smelled heavily of cigarettes and alcohol, and I nearly died of the stench. One swift sentence that only he and I could hear and I had him running for dear life.

Sky's POV

Harry whispered something to the man, that sent him running for the door. I tried but I couldn't even catch a word.

It frightened me, but yet I strangely remained planted in my seat.

"So Sky? How've you been?" he casually asked like he hadn't just sent some man scrambling away like he feared the loss of his life.

"Oh just peachy!" I sarcastically remarked. He noticed.

"Sky? Can I sit?"

"Sure, because I'm pretty sure my lovely friends won't be accompanying me!"

My friends (or acquaintances I'm being forced to hang out with) who said they were getting drinks, had up and disappeared. I scanned the room again and confirmed I had been indeed left behind.

My mom somehow managed (don't ask me how) to arrange for these girls to come pick me up and take me out for the night. In fact I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I walked in on my mom writing them a check for their pity job.

They had picked me up and basically slaved me around to the mall and now here. But it wasn't my ride home I was worried about...

It's the fact that I'm now stuck alone with Harry.

Something I never thought would happen but somehow knew he would manage to find me again.

What's even worse is that I found him.

He was here.

I'm the one that so graciously stumbled upon him.

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