Deranged Chp.34

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Sky's POV

    Harry wondered off in the other direction while I continued browsing the shelves for food to stock our pantry with. Harry basically had me going to the store once a week, the boys a vacuum! I had to look twice when I saw Harry speaking with a rather pretty woman, who was flirting while in the process of whispering something. When she saw me she motioned Harry to turn around, and she returned to her job. "You done already love?" Harry cooly asked, as if I hadn't just seen him whispering with some strange girl. "Um, yeah..."
Being the gentleman he was, Harry stole the shopping basket from me and placed the items on the counter. He lifted the four bags, and headed towards the exit, but not before exchanging smiles with the beautiful woman.

Don't worry Sky, he loves you! I mentally told myself on the silent walk home. The sun violently beat down on our exposed faces, causing my eyes to squint. My flip flops slapped against the concrete, making that really annoying sound I always despised. 

After I'd unloaded all the groceries, I snuck up behind Harry and snaked my arms around his waist. I felt his smile against my cheek, and softly kissed his neck, something that he LOVED. My heart-felt, romantic motions were stopped by Harry, escaping to the bathroom.

It wasn't common to have visitors, so I was a little confused when a knock came on the door. "Can I-" The beautiful girl stood inches away from me. Her blonde hair was messy, signalling the wind had picked up, and her impressively tan legs were overly exposed by her cutoff shorts. "Is Harry here?" she asked, smiling, as if his girlfriend wasn't standing in front of her.

I didn't have to answer, because Harry came sprinting down the stairs, skipping one as he went. "Hi Danny!" he happily greeted "let's go outside" he insisted. I attempted to follow but Harry commanded me to stay put.  To ease my wild, unpleasurable thoughts, I retracted Luna from the Laudrey room and played with her. It must've distacted me pretty well, because before I knew it, 30 minutes had flown by.

Enough was enough! I slid open the window, right behind Harry and "Danny", and let out an annoying, high-pitched whistle. Harry covered his ears and Danny mimicked his actions. "Bloody hell Sky! What was that!?" Harry asked, somewhat ticked off. "Oops sorry, didn't know you were so close. Dinner's ready!"
"Couldn't you have  just told me? I'll be right  in!" Harry reassured, although it didn't seem at all sincere. I nodded and closed the window, leaving it cracked ever so slighly so I could hear the rest of the conversation. "Just come back tomorrow, I'll get Sky to leave for awhile!"
"Ok, I'll be over at 7" Danny cheekily replied, and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. "I'm just so happy arry! And make sure she doesn't now A THING!" 
Now I was pissed! The anger had slowly built on me throughout the day and I was ready to release it on someone, but my opportunity faded as she skipped away. Next time, next time she'll be mine. 

Just as I'd heard, Harry sent me off to the beach at 6:50, for a "special surprise." Yeah right! I followed his directions though, well some... Once he'd looked away from watching me leave for the beach, I ran back behind the house so the enlarged window would give me a clear view of any and all events. When Danny came, she hugged Harry, an action that seemed to slowly break off a tiny piece of my heart everytime. Their conversation dragged on, probably until 9 at least... and when she finally left, I darted back around front to give the illusion that I'd just arrived home. Harry was, or appeared to be so, esatic to see me, greeting me with a long kiss and big hug. He caught on to my saddened expression I'd tried to hide, "Sky, Princess what's wrong?"
"Sky! I've known you or nearly a year now, I know when somethings up!"
Suddenly I let loose. My anger was unleashed on Harry... "IT'S HER! YOU HAVE A THING WITH HER! YOU LIED, EVERYTHING YOU TOLD ME WAS A LIE! I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU BROKE THAT TRUST! I EVEN LOVED YOU, BUT I GUESS IT WAS TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR YOU TO RETURN THE FEELING! I'M SORRY I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH! BUT I HOPE YOU KNOW I TRIED, MORE THAN ANYTHING!" my anger had faded and sadness ad taken over by now... Harry looked down and (as if stressed) wiped off his face. "What Harry? At least say something, even if it is just goodbye!"
"... Danny is a friend, I'm not even sure I could say that much about her... She was helping me plan a surprise for you...Something special for your birthday..."
All the commotion and change had caused me to forget my birthday was tomorrow, meaning less than 24 hours away! "Shit!" I barely spit out between the louds sobs escaping my mouth. I just quietly treaded upstairs and pulled out a tiny suitcase, and began filling my stuff in it. Harry's presence was sensed, and I spun around to see him standing in the doorway. "You're not leaving Sky"
"NO! YOU'RE NOT!" Harry screamed, catching me off guard and slighlty frightening me... He'd never used such a tone with me before, and it only added to the tears. "Why? Don't you want me gone? I lost faith in you for a second Harry, and I don't deserve to be here anymore." Harry moved closer and grabed both of my hands. "Then I'll sink... I need you Sky, more than you'll ever know. So don't ever, for a second, think I'll let you go"
Not a word came to my mind, so I nodded. Harry let go of my hands and went back downstairs. I guess in all the drama, I hadn't noticed a new feature added to our room... A beautiful, breathtaking dress was hung on the front of the closet... It was long, with a slit running up the side. The dress was a royal blue, and the one shoulder it had was covered in sparkling material. Never had I owned something of such beauty... Beneath was a pair of silver heels, resembling those of Cinderella... But the best part was the diamond incrested tiara sitting next to the dress. A note attached read:
"Dear Princess,
Never have I met someone with so much importance to me. Deny it all you want, but you saved me. Even in my darkest times, you found a light, and always managed to help me. I will spend everyday trying to do the same for you, by protecting you and never letting you sink. Tomorrow's your birthday... Be ready by 7... A night of fantasies beyond your wildest dreams awaits you, because my Princess deserves everything and more! Tomorrow night is only a small piece I will give you to repay you for all you've done for me. Oh and remember, every Princess deserves a tiara. I love you Sky.
xx Harry"

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