Deranged Chp.17

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Harry's POV

Sky stayed with me all day and we just cuddled in my bed, she poured out the painful details of her past while my heart ached. A part of my heart was healing as the realization hit me that she was entrusting me with this information she held close to her heart.

"What was his name?"

"Who's? My dads? I'm not saying..."


Then I'd just have to find out on my own.

Sky's POV

Harry kissed my forehead.

"What was that for?"

"When I kiss you I feel like I take some of your pain away, because you shouldn't bear it all on your own. Or maybe that's just my psychotic mind rambling on" he laughed.

"You know when I first met you, I didn't know you'd be this important to me Harry"

The delight in his face could be seen miles away.

He really was important to me, because I felt like I could tell him anything and he was the only one that understood me.

"You know Sky... We never had our 2nd date. The one where you said we could watch a movie and dine in"

"Well Mr. Styles, I'd be delighted to accompany you to McDonalds!"

Harry jumped up from our cozy spot and handed me one of his flannel shirts to throw on over my thin shirt.

After our dangerously unhealthy meal, Harry and I returned to his flat with a movie.

He agreed to watch Harry Potter, but only because it was beyond realistic and because his name was in it. What a 3-year-old.

I snuggled next to Harry on the couch, his body providing more heat than a blanket. Harry wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his chest.

The sound of his heartbeat was mainly what I heard throughout the whole movie.

The sound soothed me... So much I accidentally fell asleep.

I felt someone nudge my shoulder, while whispering words I refused to hear.

"Sky c'mon, I'll take you home"

"No, I'm too tired to get up!" I whined, almost with a hint of annoyance in my tone.

"Well I'm kinda stuck under you!"

I didn't respond to Harry's dilemma, because I was too focused on the crazy dream invading my thoughts.

In a brief second I went from comfortably lying on Harry to being scooped up bridal style and carried to his bedroom.

"Sleep here Sky, I'll take the couch"

I wasn't going to argue... I was tired.

Harry's POV

I grabbed a blanket from the closet, and nestled onto the firm sofa I was volunteering to sleep on.

It wasn't far into the night, maybe 1 or 2, when I heard screams of sheer terror.

My immediate reaction sent me racing down the hallway to the dark room I'd left Sky alone in.

Sky sat in my bed flailing her arms in the air while screaming,


I raced over to aid her as her dream was invaded and evolved into a nightmare.

"Sky! Wake up! Wake up baby! It's only a dream!" I whispered in a harsh yet soothing tone.

Sky's eyes shot open, the tears she unwillingly shed while dreaming beginning to fall down her cheeks.

She grabbed my neck and held me tighter than ever before.

"It was you! My dad he was hurting you!" she cried into my neck.

"It's ok, I'm ok... He won't hurt me or you anymore..."

"How do you know?" she panicked.

"Because I'm here, and I'll protect you."

Her tiny, weak body still shook as she tried to rid herself of the nightmare.

There was no way I was leaving her, not now.

I unfolded the other side of the comforter and slid underneath them.

Sky looked at me as we lay face to face. I gently brushed away the stray hairs covering her forehead, something I'd grown quite fond of doing.

Our hands remaind attached the rest of the night, and I softly whispered soothing words to her.

No matter how hard I tried to put her to sleep, she wouldn't take the chance, fearing the revisit of her previous torment.

"Go to sleep Sky" I begged.

"I can't, you go to sleep Harry. I'll be here when you wake up" she tried to smile.

Sky's POV

Not a chance I was going to risk re-entering that horror again.

I watched Harry as his chest moved up and down while his breathing steadied again.

He looked almost angelic...

Maybe he was an angel?

But why would an angel cut themselves?

If Harry was an angel, he certainly wasn't a normal one for sure.

I had reasons as to why I cut my wrist, but what are Harry's reasons?

Did he have a past as dark and lurking as I did?

How much longer could he have gone if we hadn't met?

I could never bring myself to ask these questions, but since I've revealed something dark and secretive about me, it's time for Harry to spill it.

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